’s top 64 vidcons 2020

The most scientifically accurate list of selectbutton's favorite videogames attempted thus far. A double elimination tournament. During the nomination phase, posters were allowed to submit as many games as they liked, followed by a series of threads where users could vote & make impassioned arguments. Ties were settled with online matches of Melty Blood, although it is currently unknown exactly which polls this method was used for & who the players were.

Sometimes the top 64 is expanded and referred to as the top 85 or even top 108, and these additional games are referred to as “honorable mentions”.

The selectbutton top 64 was inspired by the Film Twitter community performing similar tournaments at the time. The original sb tournament organizer deleted their account, so some context and information has been lost (such as the thread where the rules/format of the tournament was decided).


titleseedplacementfinal rank
Katamari Damacy2311
OutRun 21323
Dark Souls1644
Demon's Souls (2009)1956
F-Zero GX1178
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne1399
Super Mario 6412910
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty9911
God Hand151312
Chrono Trigger121313
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening81314
Silent Hill 271315
Super Mario Bros. 3151716
Shadow of the Colossus (2005)121717
Resident Evil 4101719
Tetris: The Absolute: The Grand Master 2 PLUS91720
Deus Ex71721
The Legend of Zelda71721
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood112522
Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer (1995)92524
Super Mario Bros.92524
Final Fantasy VI82525
Bubble Bobble72526
Puyo Puyo series72526
Sky Odyssey72526
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild153327
Dragon’s Dogma123328
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater123328
Cave Story113329
Resident Evil (2002)113329
Donkey Kong '94103330
LSD: Dream Emulator103330
Warioware, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!103330
Crazy Taxi93331
Disco Elysium83332
Dragon Quest III 83332
Game Boy Camera83332
Final Fantasy Tactics73333
Silent Hill73333
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days134934
Mother 394938
Street Fighter III Third Strike: Fight for the Future84939
Yakuza 084939
Earth Defense Force series74940
Elevator Action Returns74940
Gunstar Heroes74940
NiGHTS Into Dreams74940
Super Metroid74940
Super Street Fighter II Turbo74940
Sonic Adventure126541
Sonic 3 & Knuckles106542
Sonic Mania106542
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask106542
Streets of Rage 296543
Super Mario 3D Land96543
Baba Is You86544
Dota 286544
Everybody Votes86544
Ouendan / Elite Beat Agents series86544
WCW/nWo Revenge / AKI N64 wrestling games86544
Yume Nikki86544
Animal Crossing76545
Contra: Hard Corps76545
Final Fantasy XIV76545
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile76545
Metal Slug 6 (Metal Slug 3 romhack)76545
Mirror’s Edge76545
Sonic the Hedgehog 276545
Umihara Kawase76545

~honorable mentions~

Armored Core: For Answer6
Castlevania (1986)6
Castlevania: Bloodlines6
Desert Golfing6
Dragon Quest6
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age6
Final Fantasy XII6
Halo 36
Metal Gear Solid6
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes / The Phantom Pain6
Metal Slug X6
Metroid II: Return of Samus6
NieR: Automata6
Outer Wilds6
Pathologic 26
Team Fortress 26
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind6
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link6

Selected Passages

  • Final Fantasy Tactics
    • Annetts (quoting Hiroyuki Itou): It’s meant to be enjoyed like a diorama, or a miniature garden: “ooo, what happens when I turn it this way?” And that’s also a big part of the cuteness factor. (laughs) Before you know it, you’ll be looking at the map and saying things like, “oh, I bet it would look cool if I put this guy up there…” (laughs)
  • Deus Ex
    • Tulpa: It’s also a game made by people who had cultural influences outside of conventional nerd media. One of the main works that the game quotes is a little known philosophical sci fi novel by Olaf Stapledon, which is just such a deep cut that it reflects the game designers actually thinking about their world, and the political and philosophical implications of that world. It is also a game that tried to anticipate as many bizarre actions a player could take as possible, and write reasonable or at least entertaining consequences for those actions. My favorite was if you killed the bartender in that bar in Hell’s Kitchen, the next time you return to the area, someone else is behind the bar and shouts “free beer for everyone!”
      It is that kind of attention to detail that transforms these badly voice acted npcs into characters I can pretend are real. There’s just a palpable sense of discovery that I think is even better than the GB Camera’s many secrets (though I understand why the GB Camera won). One of my earliest memories of the game was finding a secret Majestic 12 base in the sewers of New York and only finding out that that was relevant to the game’s main narrative a dozen hours later. There are many one-off encounters that are later re-incorporated into the narrative that gives Deus Ex a potent sense of place.
      Deus Ex was made at a time when games like Deus Ex didn’t exist. I maintain that games like Deus Ex still don’t exist. DX was fundamentally new to video games, as it blended all sorts of genres and influences together into something different. It still remains relatively new, because many of the ‘immersive sims’ that came after aimed not to just produce as much interactive depth as technology would allow to a place and narrative, but to imitate Deus Ex and Thief. They may be smoother, generally more pleasant experiences, but they aspire to no more than imitation and iteration.
      Deus Ex had air vents because air vents exist in real life. Other immersive sims have air vents because Deus Ex had air vents. There’s a fundamental disconnect in design there, and it can be recognized by how something like ‘crawling through air vents’ is implemented. In the Eidos Montreal Deus Ex sequels, air vents are just a source of easy experience points, and they are one of typically 3 ways to enter the next room in a linear sequence of rooms that make up the non-hub areas of the game. They’ve been rendered into a video game signifier of Immersive Sim. Deus Ex had air vents because they are an architectural feature of real world spaces. They are part of the Nakatomi Space 5 of the setting. They are part of the fantasy of being able to trespass into spaces that aren’t meant for people to inhabit. They are a sign of the game’s aspiration to make a space that could be real, that could function in the real world.
  • Metal Slug 6 (Bootleg of Metal Slug 3)
    • daphaknee: my favorite thing about metal slug 3 is that there was a version of it at an arcade cab in sunnyvale golfland called METAL SLUG 6 (metal slug 6 wasnt out yet) and the only thing they changed was that EVERYTHING, including the bosses died in one hit
  • Resident Evil 4
    • tibyz: this is a good example of “body awareness simulator” to me. basically every action you do in the game is connected to some kind of sistematized ritual you go through over and over again at varying speeds
  • Game Boy Camera
    • yarusenai: the game boy camera was the first truly accessible digital camera, and as someone for whom a primary motivation is the accessibility of both experiencing and creating art, it would take a lot to beat that. […] a heartfelt device meant to spread the joy of photography […]
  • Sky Odyssey
    • yarusenai: i was reading wind, sand and stars by antoine de saint-exupery earlier today. it’s a memoir regarding his work as a pilot for an airmail company in the 1920s/30s. i stopped after only 20 pages or so because the visual imagery was too strong and beautiful for me to take very much of in one sitting.

      Thus, when Mermoz first crossed the South Atlantic in a hydroplane, as day was dying he ran foul of the Black Hole region, off Africa. Straight ahead of him were the tails of tornadoes rising minute by minute gradually higher, rising as a wall is built; and then the night came down upon these preliminaries and swallowed them up; and when, an hour later, he slipped under the clouds, he came out into a fantastic kingdom.
      Great black waterspouts had reared themselves seemingly in the immobility of temple pillars. Swollen at their tops, they were supporting the squat and lowering arch of the tempest, but through the rifts in the arch there fell slabs of light and the full moon sent her radiant beams between the pillars down upon the frozen tiles of the sea. Through these uninhabited ruins Mermoz made his way, gliding slantwise from one channel of light to the next, circling round those giant pillars in which there must have rumbled the upsurge of the sea, flying for four hours through these corridors of moonlight toward the exit from the temple. And this spectacle was so overwhelming that only after he had got through the Black Hole did Mermoz awaken to the fact that he had not been afraid.

      another passage, regarding losing their bearings and going way off course, burning through their fuel and desperately trying to figure out where to land:

      But the airports one by one had been waking each other up. Into our dialogue broke the voices of Agadir, Casablanca, Dakar. The radio stations at each of these towns had warned the airports and the ports had flashed the news to our comrades. Bit by bit they were gathering round us as round a sick-bed. Vain warmth, but human warmth after all. Helpless concern, but affectionate at any rate.
      And suddenly into this conclave burst Toulouse, the headquarters of the Line three thousand miles away, worried along with the rest. Toulouse broke in without a word of greeting, simply to say sharply: “Your reserve tanks bigger than standard. You have two hours fuel left. Proceed to Cisneros.”

      it reminded me vividly of sky odyssey, one of my favorite video games (i recently passed along my english copy on here). immediately after reading that second passage i quoted, i put the book down and ordered a copy of sky odyssey of my japanese ps2.
      sky odyssey is so wonderful to me because it takes place in a small group of islands with isolated human settlements and remnants of ancient and abandoned human settlements. the terrain is very dramatic and riddled with canyons, caves, waterfalls, mountains, and all sorts of interesting things. there’s even a level that reminds me slightly of the first passage i quoted .
      obviously the game takes a lot of liberties with both geography and physics, but just reading a bit of st-exupery’s book made it clear that in some ways it’s not extremely far from the reality of what many people experienced. and what they experienced is so temporal, borne of not only their own lives but also the state the world was in during their life. no one will ever again have the experience of flying mail from france to south america, operating with only your visuals and manual instrumentation, carrying the thoughts and feelings and ideas of hundreds of people in your cargo and passing through a world above the clouds that very few humans had experienced at that point in time. even if you retraced the route in a similar aircraft, everything from the regulations to the scenery would be so, so different in 2016 than it was in 1930.
      and, just as an example, the first quoted passage is something i would love to have experienced. and i can’t. but maybe i can get a taste of it.
      fortunately, memories can be preserved and shared. obviously writing is one of the biggest ways – it’s how i learned about mermoz’s experience and how i’m sharing my thoughts on it with you. it can also be passed along visually – although it wouldn’t have been possible with the technology of the time, the experience can be preserved in a photograph. and there is nothing stopping anyone at any point from drawing, painting, etc. a picture or pictures of the experience, whether it’s the person who experienced it themselves or someone hearing about it.
  • Metal Gear Solid 2
    • parker: what are the more open worlds of later metal gears when they are empty of anything close to experiencing the colonel breaking down and telling you to turn off the game console at 2am after playing the game all damn day other than a short interruption where your friends brought over their just newly released “the fast and the furious” dvd? what are more tools to play with (when it’s all just more ways to incapacitate enemies anyway), when instead you could be having your girlfriend constantly calling you in the middle of your special operations mission trying to get you to open up emotionally?
      metal gear solid 3 is such a boring safe choice they added a third person camera, aka “the coward’s camera” to the game for all the safety sally’s. the beginning of the end continued in mgs4 moving the shooting controls to the shoulder buttons. and no later metal gears feature anything like a scene of two bro’s doing an elaborate bro handshake in one’s attempt to cheer the other up over incest.
      metal gear solid 2 was released november 2001, two months after 9/11 and nearly twenty years ago. you crash through half of lower manhattan in a giant ship and fight the former president (who wants to liberate the u.s. from the deep state and the 1%) in the middle of wall street atop federal hall (next to the trump building). earlier when you meet the current president of the united states he greets you by sexually assaulting you. a tyrannical synthetic consciousness has evolved from the primoridial soup of american patriotism itself and wants to control society and censor the internet to keep people from going insane from fake news and conspiracy theories. one characters every line of dialogue is just stating how much she wants to die. her devoted simp who follows her around saying “yass queen” is inexplicably a vampire. in the middle of a tragic death scene a man suddenly confesses to having had sex with his step mother. every facet of the game is a response to being a sequel to metal gear solid. the tanker section is setup as a traditional sequel might be only to “kill” the protagonist early on. the plant section is a complete artifice designed to evoke responses based on it’s similarities to the first game. the game suddenly replaces the familiar solid snake with a surprise effeminate protagonist who is an uncertain, emotionally deadened, videogame trained dupe who is gaslit so hard by his commanding officer he is only able to finally reassert his hold on reality and own identity many games later after repeatedly destroying his own body and becoming a high heeled death machine wandering the earth, waging a personal war against memes and imperialist intervention in africa and the middle east. this is the game of our age if there ever was one. there could never be anything like it again. and was there ever anything before where someone could look back at a single piece of media from 20 years prior and see how it so specifically laid the track to the present like we can mgs2 now? who knows what we’ll be seeing when looking back at it another twenty years from now
    • shelter: it’s a dubious honor but mgs2 is the first kojima game with a textually-confirmed gay couple (vamp and the marine commander lol). raiden is noteworthy for being the only male metal gear character explicitly designed for straight girls to objectify (as opposed to for hideo kojima the homosexual to objectify). emma emmerich is the only character in any videogame i have ever identified with. on the other hand, true metal gear fujoshis always pick the ugly grizzled old men from worse games to ship because we are intelligent and refined.
      regardless of actual yaoi content mgs2 is the sexiest, coziest, comfiest, most asmr-inducing game ever made and i love to rotate it in my mind. all that amniotic water and meticulous schematic structure and back-and-forth ritualistic progression and precision stealth and long dulcet-toned codec calls and luxurious sound design and slick flawlessly color graded surfaces and architecture. its tight constraints relative to the “open” later games squeeze the most out of kojima’s design vocabulary. mgs2 makes me want to fuck.
  • Mirror's Edge
    • username: Mirror’s Edge is a tremendous game that 100% got its main mode and side modes crossed up. The main story mode is a bit of a mess with awful combat and challenges that rarely require too much of the frankly impressive set of moves you are given to traverse the world with. The time trials have zero combat and require you to fully embrace your abilities to truly excel there.
      Sure you can just jump over a high fence, but that requires climbing over the top bit which slows you down. You can also pull your legs up to jump over lower ones cleanly. You can also wall run beforehand and leap off at just the right moment to actually push off the top of the fence a bit and pick up momentum rather than lose it.
      The time trials also reveal how clever the level design can be as once you are forced to get to learn the intricacies of your moveset you notice all these random bits that exist that you can actually use to get through a section much quicker, and the 3 star time trial times often require you to get your pathing through an area as optimal as possible.
  • Final Fantasy VI
    • Broco: I feel like talking a bit more about FFVI. Here is one angle that’s always been one of the main sources of my enthusiasm: how FFVI redefined the JRPG town.
      The original town formula of DQ1 is that towns were places to buy equipment, get hints about the next place to go, and above all they were havens where you could rest after a brutal, attritional march on the overworld. As JRPGs evolved their overworlds became easier and easier – and without the march, there can be no haven. With their key role stripped from them, towns turned from a relief into a chore. When I ran into one in most early 90s RPGs, my heart sank because it only meant 20 minutes of talking to every NPC to trigger the next story flag.
      FFVI was the first JRPG that fully internalized the “town problem” of the genre, its philosophy is: “all towns must crackle with tension and surprises”. Right away it announces this by having you attack the game’s first town Narshe as a mind-controlled member of the villain’s army, then sneak around its cave system to escape it.
      The next town you visit you end up sneaking around in in disguise. Later in the game there is the bandit town of Zozo where you walk up tenement staircases full of random battles in between talking to NPCs who constantly tell you lies. There is the sinister emperor’s capital where you are clearly invited on false pretenses and where you know the friendliness is skin-deep. And there is the seemingly normal town that suddenly triggers a timed “house is on fire, go in and rescue people and take sidepaths to gather treasure if you dare” event in the middle of it.
      And that first town, Narshe? You return to it twice: the first time, it is a friendly RPG town you can walk around and buy things in as usual – and paradoxically this is interesting because you remember all the doors you couldn’t open the first time. The second time, it is a desolate ghost town where everyone has perished save one Moogle you can recruit into your party.
  • Yume Nikki
    • haley: if most video games are empowerment fantasies, i think horror games are disempowerment fantasies–genre staples like limited resources and enemies that need to be avoided rather than fought directly are about taking power away from the player. yume nikki relies on a different, more fundamental disempowerment, taking away the player’s ability to reason about the effects of their actions. in one of the first rooms you can access in the dream world, there are these weird purple drooling guys–you go up to one of them and hit the action button and a distorted version of its sprite appears in the background. did that do something? why is it a thing? it’s an unsettling interaction. if the game was any more of a game–say if it had battles or traditional puzzles scattered throughout like other rpg maker games–it would take away from this sense of unfamiliarity
      random events abound, which is another way YN takes away the player’s ability to reason about the world. the uboa event probably wouldn’t be nearly so iconic if not for having such a tiny chance of appearing. YN is completely unconcerned with whether its content is seen, which is why the famicom glitch event is triggered by an unmarked tile at the bottom of a massive empty dragon quest dungeon… 1/3 of the time. cracking open the game in rpg maker reveals many maps extend beyond what the player can see. everything contributes to this sense of a world that does not exist for the player’s sake and refuses to yield its mysteries; haunted software.
      there’s just enough of a “plot” to inspire imagination, i think. e.g. playing a shut-in girl and looking on at an inaccessible picnic of the hawkish girls who chase you around in your dreams communicates a lot with very little
      there are more games along these lines now (beyond the numerous YN fangames obviously)–i think PT is probably the most famous at this point? but YN was one of the first and it has its own distinct aesthetic of short ambient droning loops, parallaxing void instead of floors, use of ancient mesoamerican imagery, and all the weird locales like the stairs of rising hands or the docks maze or the pink sea or the drawn world or or or–anyway it is pretty singular to me. also it’s one of the coolest things anyone’s made with rpg maker
  • Ico
    • shelter: i think holding hands is feminist
  • Sonic Adventure
  • Chrono Trigger
    • Tuxedo: When I was 12 my brother in law downloaded a bunch of Snes roms for me and I went looking for some of those pixel art Mana-likes.
      Chrono Trigger clearly stood out; it looked, sounded and felt astounding in every way (Toriyama art aside) There was no French translation at the same time but I HAD TO play it, so I grabbed a French-English dictionary and went through the entire game checking the translation of every three words. Then I replayed a bunch of times until I didn’t need the dictionary, and eventually moved on to other English games.
      I learned English thanks to Chrono Trigger and this second language was like the #1 sellable thing I had for a while, without it I definitely wouldn’t be here today (neither in my life nor on this forum)
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
    • parker: blue lives don’t matter

Thread Index

Nomination Thread

Voting Threads

Nominations Index

1,001 Spikes1
10,000 Bullets1
100% Orange Juice1
16-bit Sonic (1-3K, CD)1
3D Fantasy Zone II W1
3d world1
80 days1
999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors2
A Boy and His Blob1
A Hat in Time1
A Short Hike2
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies2
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere1
Ace Combat Zero4
action 52:1
Addams Family pinball machine1
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising1
advanced guardian heroes1
age of empires 21
Aggressive Inline1
Ai Cho Aniki1
AI Dungeon1
air fortress2
Alex Kidd in Miracle World1
alien soldier6
Alien: Isolation1
All of the eyemaze Grow games1
Alley Cat (DOS)1
Alpha Centauri1
Alpha Protocol1
Altered Beast (Mega Drive)1
american truck simulator1
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs1
Amplitude (PS2)1
Animal Crossing (Gamecube)7
Animal Crossing: New Horizons4
Animal Crossing: New Leaf2
Anodyne 24
Another Code R1
Another World1
Anubis: Zone of The Enders1
Ape Escape 32
apex legends1
Arm Joe1
armed police batrider2
Armoured Core: For Answer4
Art Style: CUBELLO1
Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur (1989)1
Arx Fatalis2
Asteroids (original arcade version)1
astro bot rescue mission3
Astro Boy: Omega Factor5
Asuka 120% LimitOver BURNING Fest1
Baba is You7
bad cat3
bad day on the midway.1
Bad Dudes1
Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance2
baldurs gate 21
baldurs gate dark alliance 21
Balloon Fight1
bangai-o (dreamcast)2
bangai-o hd missile fury1
Bangai-O Spirits5
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts1
bank panic1
bare knuckle 33
Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden3
Baten Kaitos1
Batman Arkham Asylum .1
battle garegga2
Battle Mania 2 / Battle Mania Daiginjō2
Battlefield 19421
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs1
Battlezone (1998)1
Bayonetta 21
bean dreams1
Beatmania IIDX3
beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro1
Below the Root1
Beyond Dark Castle1
Beyond Good and Evil3
Binding of Isaac1
Bio Menace1
Bio-hazard Battle1
Bionic Commando1
Bionic Commando Remastered1
bit Generations: Coloris1
Blackwell (series)1
Blade Runner1
blades of steel1
Blast Corps1
Blaster Master1
Blaster Master Zero 21
Bloody Cross 2003 demo (GP32)1
Bloody Roar1
Bloody Roar 22
blue dragon1
Blue Revolver1
boku no natsuyasumi 21
Bomberman 641
Bomberman 943
bomberman fantasy race1
Bonk’s Adventure1
Boom Blox1
Bosconian (X68000) 31
Boulder Dash1
bowling with guns1
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (NES)1
Breakers Revenge1
breath of fire iii1
breath of fire iv1
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter1
Broken Sword1
Bruce Lee1
Bubble Bobble7
Bubsy 3D Visits the James Turrell Retrospective1
Bug Princess1
Bulk Slash3
Bullet Witch2
Bunny Must Die1
Burning Rangers2
burnout 3: takedown1
Burnout Paradise2
bushido blade2
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs1
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth1
Cameltry / On the Ball3
Canis Canem Edit/Bully1
Cannon Dancer / Osman1
capn zapn1
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker1
cart life1
Castle Shikigami II1
Castlevania 2: Simon’s Quest5
Castlevania 641
Castlevania Bloodlines6
Castlevania Harmony of Despair1
Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance1
Castlevania Order of Ecclesia2
castlevania portrait of ruin1
castlevania: aria of sorrow2
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow1
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia2
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood11
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night4
Cat Sokoban1
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead1
cats who walk through walls1
Cave Story11
Caves of Qud2
Change Air Blade1
Check Mii Out1
Cho Ren Sha 68k4
Chop Suey (the cd rom game)1
chou shoujuu mecha mg1
Chrono Cross3
Chrono Trigger12
Chubby Cherub2
ChuChu Rocket1
Cinco Paus1
Circus Charlie1
Civ 31
Civilization V1
clash at demonhead1
Columns III1
Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri’s Revenge1
Commander Keen IV: Secret of the Oracle1
Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail1
conquests of the longbow2
Contra (NES)2
Contra 3: The Alien Wars1
Contra: Hard Corps7
Copy Kitty1
cosmology of kyoto3
counter strike: global offensive1
crash team racing1
crazy taxi9
Crimzon Clover World Ignition2
Cruisin USA (the arcade, with the fans that blow in your face)1
crw metal jacket1
crypt of the necrodancer2
Crystal Castles1
Curse (MD/Gen shmup)1
Cursed Mountain (Wii)1
Custom Robo V21
CY Girls1
dance dance revolution ( any version but super nova was the sexiest cab ) or 7th Mix or Extreme or X3 VS 2ndMix1
Dance Dance Revolution 7th mix1
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme1
Dance Dance Revolution X3 VS 2ndMix1
dangun feveron1
darius gaiden1
Dark Castle (Apple 2)1
dark forces 2 jedi knight2
Dark Messiah OMM1
Dark Savior3
Dark Souls16
Dark Souls 23
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin1
Dark Souls 32
Day of Defeat1
Daytona USA3
DDD: The Natural Playboys1
DDR Extreme1
DDR Supernova1
DDR Supernova 21
Dead Rising3
Deadly Premonition5
Death Stranding4
Deathtrap Dungeon: The Interactive Video Experience1
Deep Rock Galactic1
def jam ffny1
Def Jam: Fight for New York1
Defense Grid: The Awakening1
Demon’s Souls19
densha de d1
densha de go 641
Desert Golfing6
destiny 21
Deus Ex6
Deus Ex (Mac)1
devil may cry 32
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition2
devil may cry 41
devil summoner1
Devil's Crush1
Dezaemon 21
Dicing Knight1
Diddy Kong Racing2
die hard arcade / dynamite deka1
Dig Dug3
Digimon Battle Spirit 21
Digimon World1
Dirt Rally1
Disco Elysium8
Divinity: Original Sin 23
DJ Maxx Technika1
DJMax Technika Tune1
Dodonpachi Blissful Death1
Dodonpachi Resurrection1
Donkey Kong '9410
donkey kong (arcade)2
Donkey Kong Country2
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat1
Doom 26
DOOM 642
doom knee deep in the dead1
doshin the giant1
Double Dragon1
Double Dragon Advance1
Double Dragon II (Nes)1
Dr. Mario1
Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure1
Dragon Crystal1
dragon quarter1
Dragon Quest6
Dragon Quest Builders2
Dragon Quest Builders 23
dragon quest i&ii (SFC)1
dragon quest iii8
Dragon Quest IV2
Dragon Quest V5
Dragon Quest VII4
dragon quest viii1
Dragon Quest XI6
dragon slayer1
Dragon Spirit1
Dragon Warrior Monsters1
dragon's curse1
Dragon’s Dogma12
Drakengard 31
Dreamfall Chapters1
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey1
DROD (pick one)1
Dropship: United Peace Force (PS2)1
dungeon crawl1
Dwarf Fortress3
Dynamite Cop II1
Dynamite Headdy2
Early Team Fortress 21
Earth Defense Force (all)1
Earth Defense Force 20171
Ecco the Dolphin2
EDF (series)2
edf xbox 360 (the bargain bin one)1
elevator action ex1
elevator action returns7
Elite Beat Agents4
Elliot Quest2
Elliott Quest1
Enter the Gungeon1
Environmental Station Alpha1
Escape from Butcher Bay1
Escape Velocity1
Europa Universalis 41
evergrace soundtrack1
every extend1
Everybody Votes8
everybody’s golf1
Everybody’s Golf: World Tour1
evil within 21
Excite Truck1
excitebike nes eternal1
exhumed / powerslave1
F-Zero GX11
F-Zero X2
fake metal slug 65
fallout 23
Fallout: New Vegas1
fancy pants adventure1
fantastic children1
Fantasy Life1
Fantasy Zone1
Fantasy Zone 2 3DS2
Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa Opa1
Fatal Frame 22
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (Xbox)1
fighters megamix1
Final Fantasy 11
final fantasy 1 gba1
Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age Switch2
final fantasy II1
final fantasy II gba1
Final Fantasy III1
Final Fantasy IV5
Final Fantasy IX3
Final Fantasy Legend II / SaGa 21
Final Fantasy Tactics7
Final Fantasy Tactics A21
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance1
Final Fantasy V1
Final Fantasy V Advance1
final fantasy VI7
Final Fantasy VII5
final fantasy VIII3
Final Fantasy X1
final fantasy XAT1
final fantasy xi1
Final Fantasy XII4
Final Fantasy XIII4
final fantasy xiv5
final fantasy xiv: shadowbringers1
Final Fire Pro Wrestling1
Final Freeway 2R2
Fire Hawk: Thexder - The Second Contact1
fire pro wrestling world2
Flower, Sun, and Rain1
Football Manager 20171
For the Frog the Bell Tolls4
Forgotten Worlds1
Fortune Street1
Forza Horizon 41
Forza Motorsport 4 (X360)1
Frog Fractions2
frog fractions 21
From Primordial Egg1
Frozen Synapse1
full throttle2
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball1
Gabriel Knight (original version)1
gabriel knight 21
Gain Ground1
galaga 882
Gals Panic S1
Game Boy Camera8
Ganbare Goemon 21
Garou: Mark of the Wolves2
Garry’s Mod1
Gears of War1
gemstone iv1
germs - nerawatera machi1
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy3
Ghost in the Shell (PSX)2
ghost in the shell stand alone complex (ps2)3
Ghosts 'n Goblins1
Giant Gram 20001
Giga Wing1
giga wing generations1
gigawing 22
Gitaroo Man3
Glass Wing1
Glittermitten Grove1
God Hand15
godzilla ps42
Golden Axe (Master System)1
Golden Axe 21
Golfing on Mars1
gonbee no i’m sorry1
Gone Home3
Gotcha Force1
Gradius V2
gran turismo1
Gran Turismo 24
Gran Turismo 42
Grand Theft Auto 21
Grand Theft Auto 33
grand theft auto 42
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City1
grandia 21
Granstream Saga1
Gravity Rush1
Grid Autosport1
Grim Fandango1
groove coaster1
Grow Home and Grow Up1
guardian heroes1
Guilty Gear Xrd REV22
Guilty Gear XX1
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R1
Gundam vs Zeta Gundam1
Gundam Wing Endless Duel1
GunForce II1
Gunstar Heroes7
gunstar super heroes4
Guru Logi Champ3
Hadean Lands1
Half Life Alyx1
Half-Life 24
Half-Life Rooting Quake1
hall of tortured souls 3: aka the little easter egg area from excel 95.1
Halo 35
Halo: ODST1
Halo: Reach2
Halo: The Master Chief Collection1
Hanano Puzzle2
Hanano Puzzle 21
Harvest Moon 641
Haunting Ground1
heart of darkness1
heianko alien1
Heiyankyo Alien1
Her Story2
Hero Core4
Heroes of Might & Magic II2
Heroes of Might and Magic III1
Herzog Zwei1
Hitman 23
Hitman 20162
hitman absolution1
Hollow Knight4
Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do To Deserve This?1
horizon zero dawn1
Hotel Dusk: Room 2151
Hotline Miami4
House of the Dead1
house party4
Hover! 21
human sports festival1
Hypnospace Outlaw4
Hyrule Warriors1
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream1
I, Robot2
ice hockey2
incredible crisis1
Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis1
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade1
intelligent qube1
Interstate '761
into the breach1
invisible, inc1
Jackbox Party Pack1
Jagged Alliance 21
jake hunter detective story memories of the past1
jeanne d’arc1
Jedi Knight1
Jelly no Puzzle2
Jet Force Gemini1
Jet Set Radio5
Jet Set Radio Future1
Jetpack (DOS)1
Judgement Silversword1
Jumping Flash!4
kaido battle: touge no densetsue.1
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days13
kane and lynch dead men1
Karnov’s Revenge1
Katamari Damacy23
Kentucky Route Zero1
Kero Blaster5
ketsui: death label1
Kettou Beast Wars1
Kickle Cubicle2
Kid Chameleon1
Kid Pix1
Killer Queen2
Killzone 21
King of Fighters 131
King of Fighters 971
King’s Field II (JP)4
King’s Field IV: The Ancient City3
King’s Field US1
King’s Quest V1
King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow2
kingdom hearts1
kingdom hearts 31
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days1
Kingdom Hearts Series1
Kirby 641
Kirby Air Ride1
Kirby Canvas Curse2
Kirby Planet Robobot1
Kirby Super Star3
Kirby SUper Star Ultra1
Kirby’s Adventure1
kirby’s airride1
kirby’s dream course2
Kirby’s Dream Land1
kirby’s dream world 21
Kirby’s Epic Yarn2
Kirby’s Return to Dreamland1
Klonoa 2: Lunatea’s Veil2
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile7
Knights of the Old Republic1
Knights of the Old Republic 21
knytt stories5
Knytt Underground2
KOF Maximum Impact 21
kororinpa: marble mania1
Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan Advance (or Switch version)1
Kururin Paradise1
La La Land3
la-mulana 21
La-Mulana EX1
lame duke1
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light1
Left 4 Dead1
Left 4 Dead 21
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky1
Legend of Mana1
Lethal Crash Race1
life of d. duck2
LISA: The Painful RPG1
Little Big Planet1
little fighter 21
Little King’s Story3
Little Nemo1
Little Samson1
Lode Runner2
Lost Planet 21
LSD: Dream Emulator9
lufia 21
luxuria superbia1
Lyle in Cube Sector1
mach breakers1
Mad Max1
Magic Wand1
Magical Chase1
Magical Drop 31
magical drop f1
Magical Truck Adventure1
magnetic billiards1
Manhunt (PS2)1
Maniac Mansion2
Marathon Infinity1
Marathon Trilogy1
Marble Madness1
Mario Golf2
Mario kart 641
mario kart wii1
Mario Paint4
mario vs airman2
Marvel vs. Capcom (Arcade)1
Master of Orion1
Master of Orion 21
Math Blaster1
max payne2
max payne 23
max payne 35
Mazan: Flash of the Blade1
Medieval 2 Total War1
Mega Bomberman2
Mega Man1
Mega Man 25
mega man 41
mega man 81
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Black/White/Blue1
mega man legends2
mega man legends 21
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X1
Mega Man X5
Mega Man X22
Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code1
Melty Blood: Actress Again1
Mercenary (1985)1
metal black1
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance3
Metal Gear Solid6
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty9
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater11
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater [European version]1
Metal Gear Solid V6
Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel1
Metal Slug1
Metal Slug 31
Metal Slug X6
Metal Storm2
Metro 2033 Redux1
Metroid Eris1
Metroid Fusion1
Metroid II: Return of Samus6
Metroid Prime2
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes1
Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker1
Might and Magic 41
Might and Magic 51
Mirror’s Edge7
Mischief Makers5
Missile Command4
Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 21
Momodora Reverie Under the Moonlight1
Monkey Island 31
Monster Hunter Generations1
monster hunter generations ultimate1
monster hunter world1
Monster Truck Madness1
Monster World IV2
Mortal Kombat (Arcade)1
mortal kombat 21
Mortal Kombat 2 on an old janky arcade in 19941
Mother 39
Motocross Madness 21
Motoko-chan no Wonder Kitchen4
Mount and Blade Warband2
Mr. Driller (Arcade)1
Mr. Driller Drill Land3
Mr. Driller Drill Spirits1
Mr. Driller DrillLand1
MUSHA Aleste1
Mushihimesama Futari3
Mushihimesama Futari Black Label1
Myst V1
Mysterious Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer9
Mystic Defender1
Myth: The Fallen Lords/Myth 2: Soulblighter1
Nanairo Ringo1
Nanashi No Game 1 & 21
Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor -1
nba jam tournament edition4
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition (Saturn)1
nba street vol 22
nekketsu kouha kunio-kun1
neko atsume1
neo contra2
neo turf masters4
Nier (X360)1
NieR: Automata6
Nier: Gestalt1
Night in the Woods3
Night Striker1
NiGHTS Into Dreams7
Ninja Assault1
Ninja Five-0/Ninja Cop5
Ninja Gaiden (nes)1
Ninja Karakuri Den1
Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors1
Ninja Spirit2
No More Heroes2
No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again1
No One Lives Forever 21
noby noby boy1
Noctis IV1
Nuclear Throne2
Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus2
Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee1
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath1
Off the Wall1
Oh Deer!2
okage: shadow king1
Olli Olli 21
Opera Omnia2
Operation Flashpoint1
operation winback 2 project poseidon1
Opus Magnum1
Ore no Ryouri1
Outer Wilds5
outrun (arcade)1
outrun 211
Outrun 2006 Coast to Coast3
Overcooked! 22
Pac-Man Battle Royale1
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX1
Pac-Man: Championship Edition3
Painkiller Black1
Panel De Pon1
Panzer Dragoon1
Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei4
Panzer Dragoon Saga3
paper mario2
paper mario ON THE WII1
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door2
papers, please2
Para Para Paradise1
Parappa the Rapper1
Parappa the Rapper 21
parodius da1
pathologic 23
payday 21
Perfect Dark1
Persona 32
Phantasy Star2
Phantasy Star IV1
phantasy star online4
Phantom Brave1
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations1
Phoenix Wright Trilogy1
Picross 3D3
Picross DS1
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire1
Pilotwings 61
Pilotwings 641
Planescape: Torment5
Plants vs. Zombies1
pochi to nyaa1
Pocket Bomberman1
Poinie's Poin1
Pokemon Black1
pokemon blue/red1
pokemon gold/silver3
Pokemon Pinball (GBC)1
Pokémon Puzzle League (or any other version of Panel de Pon)1
Police 911 2/Shinjuku Keisatsu 24 Hours 21
Pool of Radiance1
popn music fantasia1
portal 23
Postal 21
Powder Toy Game2
Power Rangers Fighting Edition1
Powerstone (Dreamcast)3
pressure cooker1
Prey (2017)1
Prince of Persia1
Prince of Persia (SNES)1
Project Cars 21
Project Justice1
project m1
Prop Cycle3
ps2 demo disc1
psychic force1
psychic force 20121
Psyvariar 21
Punch-Out (Wii)1
Pursuit Force1
puyo pop1
Puyo Puyo eSports1
Puyo Puyo Tetris2
Puyo Puyo Tsu3
Puzzle Bobble2
Puzzle Bobble 21
Quake III Arena3
quake team fortress1
quantum break2
Queers in Love at the End of the World1
Quest for Glory 1 VGA1
Quest for Glory 21
quest for glory iii1
quest for glory iv1
r type1
R-Type Delta2
race drivin’ (arcade)1
RAD Robotic Alchemic Drive1
Radiant Silvergun3
Rage Racer1
rain world3
Rainbow Six 3 + Athena Sword1
Rainbow Unicorn Attack1
Ratchet and Clank 21
Raw Danger!5
Rayforce/Galactic Attack/Layer Section/Gunlock (they’re all the same game, just different names)2
Rayman Legends1
Real Bout Fatal Fury 21
receiver 22
red dead redemption2
red star1
red strings club1
Resident Evil4
Resident Evil (2002)1
Resident Evil 23
Resident Evil 2 (2019)1
Resident Evil 31
Resident Evil 410
resident evil 51
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition1
resident evil director’s cut1
Resident Evil Remake7
Return of the Obra Dinn1
Rhythm heaven (Wii)1
Rhythm Heaven Fever (any of them, considering there is a lot of overlap between games)1
rhythm tengoku2
ribbit king3
ridge racer 3d1
ridge racer 71
ridge racer type 42
Ridiculous Fishing4
Ring Fit Adventure1
River City Ransom SP1
road rash 21
Road Rash 2 (Genesis)1
Robotron 20843
Rock Band1
Rock Band 31
Rocket Jockey1
Rocket Knight Adventures2
rocket league3
Rocket Slime4
Rodent’s Revenge1
Rokko Chan1
rom check fail2
romancing saga 22
Rune Factory 41
Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball1
Sacrament (Doom wad)1
saga frontier 21
saints row 24
Sakura Taisen1
Sam & Max Hit the Road1
Samurai Shodown II1
Samurai Shodown III1
Samurai Shodown V SPECIAL1
samurai showdown1
San Francisco Rush2
Saturn Bomberman1
Sayonara Umihara Kawase (3DS)1
Sayonara Wild Hearts1
Scorched Earth1
scribblenauts unlimited1
Second Life1
Secret of Mana3
Secret of Monkey Island3
Sega Marine Fishing1
Sega Rally1
Sega Rally Championship2
sega rally championship (arcade/saturn)1
sega worldwide soccer 971
sengoku turb2
serial experiments lain (psx)1
Serious Sam1
Shadow of Destiny1
Shadow of the Colossus12
shadow tower2
Shadow Warrior (1997)1
shadowrun (genesis)1
Shadowrun (SNES)2
Shadowrun: Dragonfall Short1
Shenmue Chapter 1 Yokosuka1
Shenmue II1
sherlock holmes vs jack the ripper1
Shin Megami Tensei (snes)1
shin megami tensei iii: nocturne12
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange journey2
shining force 11
Shining Force 22
shining force 33
Shinobi (PS2)1
Shinobi III1
shoot penguins1
shovel knight2
Shovel Knight: Spectre of Torment1
silent bomber2
Silent Hill7
Silent Hill 27
Silent Hill 34
Silent Hill 42
Silent Scope1
SimCity (SNES)2
SimCity 20003
Sin & Punishment3
Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor3
Siren 1 PS21
Siren: Blood Curse/New Translation2
Skate 21
skate or die 21
Skies of Arcadia1
Sky Force1
Sky Force Reloaded1
sky kid1
sky odyssey6
Slay the Spire2
smash melee1
Snake Pass2
SNK Vs Capcom (NGPC)1
SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millenium1
Snow Bros1
soft porn adventure1
Solar Jetman3
Soldier Blade1
Soleil / Crusader of Centy1
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed1
Sonic Advance 31
Sonic Adventure12
Sonic Adventure 23
sonic and allstars racing transformed2
Sonic CD2
Sonic Colors1
Sonic Generations1
Sonic Mania10
Sonic R1
Sonic the Hedgehog4
Sonic the Hedgehog 27
sonic the hedgehog 31
sonic the hedgehog 3 & knuckles9
Soul Blazer2
Soul Calibur2
Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)1
SoulCalibur 63
Sound Voltex II -infinite infection-1
Space Funeral1
Space Harrier5
Space invaders Extreme1
Space Quest1
Space Station 131
Spelunker (Famicom)1
Spelunky HD3
splatoon 22
Sports Talk Baseball (Genesis)1
Spy Party1
ssx 33
ssx tricky1
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl2
Stalker: Call of Pripyat1
Star Control II2
Star Fox2
Star Fox 21
Star Fox 644
Star Fox 64 3DS1
Star Guard1
Star Wars Galaxies1
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader1
Star Wars: Dark Forces1
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy: Movie Battles II1
Steambot Chronicles5
steep slope sliders5
Steins;Gate Zero2
Stephen’s Sausage Roll2
Stories Untold1
Street Basket(ball): Ganbare Dunk Heroes1
Street Fighter 28
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike8
Street Fighter Alpha1
Street Fighter Alpha 35
streetpass quest1
Streets of Rage1
Streets of Rage 29
Streets of Rage 32
streets of rage 42
Streets of SimCity1
Strider (NES)1
Styx: Master of Shadows1
suikoden 23
Summer Carnival '92 Recca1
Sunless Sea1
Sunset Riders2
Super Aleste1
Super Bomberman 51
Super C1
Super Castlevania IV1
Super Dodge Ball2
Super Hang-On1
Super hexagon3
Super Hydlide1
Super Mario 3D Land9
Super Mario 6412
Super Mario Bros (Arcade)1
Super Mario Bros.8
Super Mario Bros. 2 (J)5
Super Mario Bros. 2 US.2
Super Mario Bros. 315
super mario maker1
Super Mario Maker 24
Super Mario Odyssey2
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars4
super mario strikers1
super mario strikers charged!1
Super Mario Sunshine1
Super Mario World5
Super Meat Boy2
Super Metroid7
super metroid: eris1
Super Monkey Ball4
super monkey ball 21
super off-road1
Super Punch-Out!!1
Super Smash Bros. (N64)2
Super Smash Bros. Melee2
SuperHot VR5
Survival Kids1
Sword and Fairy 61
System Shock2
System Shock 22
tabletop simulator1
tactics ogre: let us cling together/one vision1
Taiko Drum Master1
Taiko no Tatsujin2
Tales of the Abyss1
Team Fortress 23
Team Fortress 2 (before hats, after the first set of alternate weapons)1
Team Fortress 2 (pre-hats, pre-alternate weapons)1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)1
Tekken 31
Tekken 51
tekken 71
Tekken Tag Tournament1
Tekken: Dark Resurrection1
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins1
Tetris (Gameboy)2
Tetris 993
Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon1
Tetris Battle Gaiden1
tetris DS1
Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 24
That music. That story.1
That PS2 Truck Bastards Game1
the cliffhanger edward randy1
The Club2
the clue!1
The Darkness 21
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind6
The Evergrace Soundtrack1
The Evil Within1
the friends of ringo ishikawa2
The Guardian Legend2
The House of Maullar_Maulla1
The House of the Dead 21
The Incredible Machine 31
The King of Fighters '98 (Arcade)1
The King of Fighters XI (PS2)1
The Last Express2
The Last Guardian1
The Last Story2
The Legend of Zelda7
The Legend of Zelda: A Link between Worlds4
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past3
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild15
The legend of zelda: link’s awakening8
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask10
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time3
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess1
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker4
The Longest Journey1
The Manhole1
The Ninja Warriors Once Again3
The Outer Wilds2
The Secret of Monkey Island1
The Silver Case2
The Simpsons1
The Sims4
The soundtrack to Kingsway1
the sting!1
The Talos Principle1
the warriors2
The Witness4
The World Ends With You3
Thexder Neo1
Thief II: The Metal Age5
Thief: The Dark Project/Thief Gold3
Thrasher Skate & Destroy1
three body problem1
thunderforce iv1
Tie Fighter1
Time Crisis1
Time Gal1
Time Pilot1
Timesplitters 22
Titanfall 22
TMNT: The Arcade Game (the actual arcade game)1
TMNT: The Arcade Game (the NES port)1
TMNTIV: Turtles In Time2
To The Moon1
Tobal No. 11
Todd McFarlane’s Spawn: The Video Game1
toejam and earl2
Toki Tori1
tokyo jungle2
Tomb Raider (1996)2
tony hawk’s pro skater1
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 24
Tony Hawk’s Underground 21
Total Annihilation1
touhou 82
Toy Commander1
Trackmania 21
Trauma Center Under The Knife1
triple town1
Tron 2.01
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter1
turtles in time1
Twinkle Star Sprites2
Twinsen’s Odyssey1
twisted metal1
typing of the dead4
ufo: enemy unknown (dos)1
Ultima 4 NES port1
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 31
Ultra Street Fighter IV1
Umihara Kawase7
Umjammer Lammy3
under defeat1
under defeat hd1
under night in-birth2
Underwurld on C64.1
Uniracers (aka Unirally)1
Unreal Tournament2
Until Dawn1
Uo Poko1
uru: ages beyond myst4
Va-11 Hall-A2
vagrant story5
Valkyria Chronicles3
Valkyrie No Densetsu1
Valkyrie Profile1
Vampire Savior1
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines1
vandal hearts 11
Victory Road1
Viewtful Joe1
Violent Storm1
virtua fighter1
Virtua Fighter 21
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown4
virtua tennis2
virtual bart1
Virtual Stepfather1
Warcraft 3 Custom Map “My Life as a Peasant”1
Wario Land 31
Wario Land 44
Wario Ware DIY1
Wario Ware: Inc1
Wario Ware: Mega Microgame$1
WarioWare Twisted!3
warlords (1990, dos)1
Warning Forever2
Warning Forever 21
Warriors Orochi 31
wave race 641
Way of the Samurai3
way of the samurai 21
wayne gretzky’s 3d hockey1
wcw vs nwo world tour1
WCW vs. NWO Revenge5
We Know The Devil2
We Love Katamari4
west of loathing1
why remember larry1
wii shop channel1
Wii sports3
Wii Weather Channel2
wild, pure, simple life tail of the sun1
Wilmot’s Warehouse1
Wily & Right no RockBoard: That’s Paradise1
Windows Freecell1
Windows Solitaire3
Wing Commander 31
wing commander ii2
wing commander iv2
Winning Eleven 6 Final Evolution1
Wipeout HD2
Wipeout Omega Collection1
Wipeout XL1
Wizard of Wor1
Wizardry 81
wizardry iv1
Wizardry, any of the OG 31
wolf fang1
wolfenstein 21
Wolfenstein 3D1
Wolfenstein TNO1
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap1
Wonder Boy in Monster Land2
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap1
work time fun1
world of goo2
World of Warcraft1
Worms Armageddon3
wrestlemania 20001
wwf no mercy3
wwf wrestlemania 20002
X-Men vs. Street Fighter1
X-Wing vs TIE Fighter1
Xanadu NEXT4
Yakuza 07
Yakuza 21
Yakuza 31
Yakuza 51
yakuza 62
Yakuza Kiwami 21
Yakuza Zero1
yars revenge1
Yoshi’s Island2
Ys Book I & II4
Ys Oath in Felgana1
Ys Oath in Felghana4
Yume Nikki8
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link6
Zeno Clash1
Zero Gunner 22
zero k (windows/linux)1
Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner1
Grand Total2983
 sb/recommended/2020.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 21:58 by alfred
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