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SB Recommends Xbox 360 Games

360cookie.jpg Microsoft's successor to the Xbox. Due to faulty hardware, nearly all units made from 2006 to at least 2008 have experienced or will experience what is affectionately known as the “RRoD”, requiring servicing or possibly replacement. Save a couple of notable exceptions, the 360 is the console du jour at the moment. This is largely due to its excellent third-party support, key exclusive franchises, and role as a (generally shit) indie development platform.

360 units can be classified into three groups: the early original model without HDMI, the original model with HDMI, and the slim model with built-in wifi and a Kinect port.

Backwards compatibility with the original Xbox is extremely iffy, with all games played through software emulation. Playability and accuracy vary wildly between games, and many aren't supported at all1). Several “Xbox Originals” are available for purchase and download on the Marketplace, but Microsoft ended online support for all original Xbox games in April 2010.

selectbutton member luvcraft has developed two games for the 360, In the Pit and Crosstown, using Microsoft's XNA development tools.

See also

2) it would be nice to link the quote here
3) should add link