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SB Recommends PlayStation Vita Games

  • Gravity Rush forum thread
    • notbov: I got a Vita because Gravity Rush looked just so damned intriguing. It's an absolute joy to move around, either by sliding or falling through the air. However, when it needs to be about something other than the joy of movement, it shows that Japan Studio lost sight of whatever they were trying to achieve. The combat tries to be interesting, but the enemies aren't up to even the limited moveset you have. It's especially telling that they have to remove the gravity powers to try to provide some interesting level design.
      It should have been better, but if they ever come around to doing a sequel, I'll gladly buy it.
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 THE GOLDEN (also on: PS2)
  • Uncharted: Golden Abyss
    • Ni Go Zero Ichi: It's Uncharted, on your Vita. As unfortunately is to be expected from a handheld spinoff of a console series, all of its assets - controls, graphics, level design, writing - are slightly diminished, likely as a result of being developed by a lesser-known internal team at Sony with only peripheral involvement from the regulars at Naughty Dog. But it's still Uncharted. On your Vita.

See Also

 sb/recommended/vita.1401404864.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/08 09:58 (external edit)
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