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SB Recommends Amiga Games

It's a home computer.

  • Agony
    • Loki Laufeyson: A beautiful side-scrolling shooter in which the player is an owl. Allegedly some of the music was later ripped off by a black metal band.
  • Defender of the Crown
    • Loki Laufeyson: Very, very simple strategy game that involves conquering all the counties of England in the days of Robin Hood. You'll probably complete it in half an hour, but worth playing for the luxurious graphics, that look far, far too good for a 25 year old game. Also, don't bother with the jousting, it's pretty much impossible to win.
  • Lionheart
    • Loki Laufeyson: Platform beat em up with insanely detailed graphics and great animation.
  • Turrican
 sb/recommended/amiga.1282171732.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/08 09:58 (external edit)
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