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Shuyaku Sentai Irem Fighter

Shuyaku Sentai Irem Fighter is a card-based strategy game by Irem, featuring characters from various Irem games. It was released in 1993, for the Game Boy.


  • Gen/Harry (Hammerin' Harry)
  • Mr. Heli (Mr. Heli)
  • OF-1 (Image Fight)
  • R-9 Savior (R-Type)


The first level has an R-Type theme, the second a Mr. Heli theme, the third a Ninja Spirit theme, and the fourth one a Hammerin' Harry theme.

See also

 game/shuyaku_sentai_irem_fighter.1294555659.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/08 09:58 (external edit)
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