SB Recommends Gamecube Games


Nintendo's follow-up to the N64. In perhaps typical (or perhaps admiral) Nintendo backwardness the GameCube is not able to play film DVDs, and this contributed to its 'toy' image. Otherwise the hardware is really well designed, and balanced (though it could use a bit more RAM). Games often look really clean, and the system can do some really tidy stuff with surface layers and effects. The hardware was eventually built upon in the design of the Wii, and the Wii can also run GC games. GameCube (and Wii) emulation are in a pretty good state. The GameCube also has a hardware expansion allowing the playing of Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance games, called the Game Boy Player, some of them even having some enhanced features (like using the GC controller's force feedback function). And, like the N64 before it, the GC has a good selection of multiplayer games, especially if you have a few friends with Game Boy Advances.

Also has a lunchbox handle on the back of it, for Adilegian-knows what reason.

See Also