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sb:recommended:snes [2015/06/05 06:38]
the_blueberry_hill Note ablout Metal Marines also having a Windows port!
sb:recommended:snes [2020/05/18 03:41] (current)
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 {{:​fig:​recommended:​snes_papercraft.jpg }}[[company:​Nintendo]]'​s entry in the 16-bit console wars. Probably the most popular "​retro"​ system due to its huge library of [[genre:​jrpg|JRPG]]s,​ polished graphics, prevalence of [[hardware:​gba|GBA]]/​[[hardware:​ds|DS]] ports and ease of [[hardware:​snes#​emulation|emulation]]. The [[hardware:​snes|Super Famicom]] had a little-known second life in Japan well into the 32-bit era, due to [[hardware:​snes#​nintendo_power|re-writable cartridges]] that you loaded stuff onto at the store. The controller would be copied by [[company:​sony|Sony]] and become the iconic standard of button layout. There was a planned CD add-on that never materialized,​ though it turned into what we would know as the [[hardware:​playstation|PlayStation]]. {{:​fig:​recommended:​snes_papercraft.jpg }}[[company:​Nintendo]]'​s entry in the 16-bit console wars. Probably the most popular "​retro"​ system due to its huge library of [[genre:​jrpg|JRPG]]s,​ polished graphics, prevalence of [[hardware:​gba|GBA]]/​[[hardware:​ds|DS]] ports and ease of [[hardware:​snes#​emulation|emulation]]. The [[hardware:​snes|Super Famicom]] had a little-known second life in Japan well into the 32-bit era, due to [[hardware:​snes#​nintendo_power|re-writable cartridges]] that you loaded stuff onto at the store. The controller would be copied by [[company:​sony|Sony]] and become the iconic standard of button layout. There was a planned CD add-on that never materialized,​ though it turned into what we would know as the [[hardware:​playstation|PlayStation]].
-Aside from the stellar //​[[game:​sdf_macross_scrambled_valkyrie|Scrambled Valkyrie]]//,​ and //[[game:UN Squadron]]//​ (and maybe //​[[game:​Axelay]]//​),​ the system'​s lacking a good selection of shootershead to the [[genesis|Mega Drive]] and [[pce|PC Engine]] for thosebut has a strong catalogue in most other console-fitting genres.+Aside from the stellar //​[[game:​sdf_macross_scrambled_valkyrie|Scrambled Valkyrie]]//,​ and //[[game:UN Squadron]]//​ (and maybe //​[[game:​Axelay]]//​),​ the system'​s lacking a good selection of [[genre:shooters|shooters]]---head to the [[genesis|Mega Drive]] and [[pce|PC Engine]] for those---but has a strong catalogue in most other console-fitting genres.
 ===== Recommended ===== ===== Recommended =====
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     *aderack: Like the meeting point of //​[[game:​Rastan]]//​ and //​[[game:​SimCity]]//​. It's actually got power!     *aderack: Like the meeting point of //​[[game:​Rastan]]//​ and //​[[game:​SimCity]]//​. It's actually got power!
     *spinach: [...]a deplorable story of the virtues of colonization[...]     *spinach: [...]a deplorable story of the virtues of colonization[...]
 +  ***//​Aerobiz Supersonic//​** (also on: Genesis, PC-98)
 +    * username: It was never the most complex strategy game but I enjoyed //Aerobiz Supersonic//​ as there weren'​t exactly a ton of multiplayer strategy games available back then. The times I got to play it with others it got more heated than one would anticipate as putting low fare flights on your opponent'​s most profitable route to undercut them was almost always not appreciated.
 +  ***//Aim for the ace!//**
 +    * Glam Grimfire: a very interesting [[hardware:​snes#​mode 7]] based [[genre:​tennis|tennis game]] for the [[hardware:​snes|SNES]].
   ***//​Alcahest//​**   ***//​Alcahest//​**
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   ***//​Axelay//​**   ***//​Axelay//​**
-    *Sniper Honeyviper: Spectacular shmuppy effort from [[company:​Konami]] that samples a little from every popular STG at the time (mainly //​[[game:​r-type_series|R-Type]]//​ and //​[[game:​thunder_force_series|Thunder Force]]//) while remaining truly unique. Stages alternate between vertical and horizontal scrolling, and the vert sections take place on an interesting sort of Mode 7 conveyor belt. Every inspired, meticulously detailed setpiece feels different, with highlights including a Gundam space colony and a Sonic-esque casino city on Mars. There'​s close to nothing wrong with this game aside from some bouts of slowdown, and I can't recommend enough that you try it at least once.+    *Sniper Honeyviper: Spectacular ​[[genre:​shooters|shmuppy]] effort from [[company:​Konami]] that samples a little from every popular STG at the time (mainly //​[[game:​r-type_series|R-Type]]//​ and //​[[game:​thunder_force_series|Thunder Force]]//) while remaining truly unique. Stages alternate between vertical and horizontal scrolling, and the vert sections take place on an interesting sort of Mode 7 conveyor belt. Every inspired, meticulously detailed setpiece feels different, with highlights including a Gundam space colony and a Sonic-esque casino city on Mars. There'​s close to nothing wrong with this game aside from some bouts of slowdown, and I can't recommend enough that you try it at least once.
   ***//Batman Returns//**   ***//Batman Returns//**
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   ***//​Biometal//​**   ***//​Biometal//​**
     *swimmy: There'​s so much going on in the background of the first level that I can't see anything,     *swimmy: There'​s so much going on in the background of the first level that I can't see anything,
 +  ***//​Brandish//​**
 +    * Glam Grimfire: also since you can find it in english, the SNES version of //​Brandish//​ is a great game with a nice soundtrack (and a weird control scheme)
   ***//Cacoma Knight in Bizyland / Cacoma Knight (JP)//**   ***//Cacoma Knight in Bizyland / Cacoma Knight (JP)//**
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   ***//Cho Jiku Yosai Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie//​** (AKA: //SDF Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie//)   ***//Cho Jiku Yosai Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie//​** (AKA: //SDF Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie//)
-    * The Blueberry Hill: This, right here, is my favourite shooter on the system.+    * The Blueberry Hill: This, right here, is my favourite ​[[genre:​shooters|shooter]] on the system.
   ***//Chrono Trigger//** (also on: DS, iOS, PS1, PSN, Wii VC)   ***//Chrono Trigger//** (also on: DS, iOS, PS1, PSN, Wii VC)
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   ***//Darius Twin//**   ***//Darius Twin//**
     *aderack: Though not as interesting as //​[[game:​Sagaia]]//,​ still a pretty neat //​[[game:​Darius series|Darius]]//​. You don't lose your power-ups!     *aderack: Though not as interesting as //​[[game:​Sagaia]]//,​ still a pretty neat //​[[game:​Darius series|Darius]]//​. You don't lose your power-ups!
-    *Sniper Honeyviper: A strictly average shmup, though it's got enough curiosities to be worth checking out. The music, while pretty bad, at least has a strange, buzzing presence to it; and the boss fights are just spectacular enough to be mostly on par with the rest of the series.+    *Sniper Honeyviper: A strictly average ​[[genre:​shooters|shmup]], though it's got enough curiosities to be worth checking out. The music, while pretty bad, at least has a strange, buzzing presence to it; and the boss fights are just spectacular enough to be mostly on par with the rest of the series.
   ***//​Demon'​s Crest / Demon'​s Blazon Makaimura Monshou hen (JP)//**   ***//​Demon'​s Crest / Demon'​s Blazon Makaimura Monshou hen (JP)//**
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     *gatotsu2501:​ The writing is lovely, but I found the game to run out of steam in a big way after about a dozen hours.     *gatotsu2501:​ The writing is lovely, but I found the game to run out of steam in a big way after about a dozen hours.
-  ***//​Earthbound//​**(also on: Wii U VC) - [[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=7913|forum thread]]+  ***//​Earthbound//​** (also on: Wii U VC) - [[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=7913|forum thread]]
     *Sniper Honeyviper: The precise moment when the Japanese Role-Playing Game gained self-awareness. (//​[[game:​mother|Mother 1]]// wasn't //quite// there yet, I think.) Far outclassed by [[game:​mother_3|its sequel]], but still a precious artifact.     *Sniper Honeyviper: The precise moment when the Japanese Role-Playing Game gained self-awareness. (//​[[game:​mother|Mother 1]]// wasn't //quite// there yet, I think.) Far outclassed by [[game:​mother_3|its sequel]], but still a precious artifact.
     *Talbain: What can be said about this game that hasn't already been said? It's pretty much an RPG that revolutionized thinking about RPGs. It made the abnormal normally accessible. It's hard to really describe this game unfortunately,​ other than generalizations which everyone'​s heard before. If I had to say what it is, I'd say to look for what it isn't and you'd begin to understand it.     *Talbain: What can be said about this game that hasn't already been said? It's pretty much an RPG that revolutionized thinking about RPGs. It made the abnormal normally accessible. It's hard to really describe this game unfortunately,​ other than generalizations which everyone'​s heard before. If I had to say what it is, I'd say to look for what it isn't and you'd begin to understand it.
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     * TOLLMASTER: RPGs cross a line where they stopped becoming games and started to become stories with games attached. Still holds up today because it took a lot of risks, and the risks that paid off standardized the JRPG genre for the PS1 Golden Era of JRPGs. Worth visiting for history'​s and nostalgia'​s sake, but seems awfully clunky now. Despite that, the Esper system is fun and the JRPG which standardized a story for the next console generalization largely did it right, especially for an age where plain text still took up significant amount of space on a ROM.     * TOLLMASTER: RPGs cross a line where they stopped becoming games and started to become stories with games attached. Still holds up today because it took a lot of risks, and the risks that paid off standardized the JRPG genre for the PS1 Golden Era of JRPGs. Worth visiting for history'​s and nostalgia'​s sake, but seems awfully clunky now. Despite that, the Esper system is fun and the JRPG which standardized a story for the next console generalization largely did it right, especially for an age where plain text still took up significant amount of space on a ROM.
     * spectralsound:​ kind of paper-thin these days in terms of world and mechanics, but the cast is still instantly likeable. (and as thin as their world.) probably the best soundtrack of any Final Fantasy game; [[game:​final_fantasy_vii|FF7]] comes close, but the poor arrangements really hurt it.     * spectralsound:​ kind of paper-thin these days in terms of world and mechanics, but the cast is still instantly likeable. (and as thin as their world.) probably the best soundtrack of any Final Fantasy game; [[game:​final_fantasy_vii|FF7]] comes close, but the poor arrangements really hurt it.
 +    * Felix: This is probably the most seriously that Final Fantasy ever took itself (or was in a position to take itself), and it's sure impressive, but I've never found it as likable as what came before or after. It's not as straightforwardly fun or as foundational as the Sakaguchi SNES titles, and compared to Square'​s later SNES and early PSX releases, it's a little underwritten and unspectacular. I know that some of this was supposedly due to the localization,​ and I don't want to ignore that it was the first title in the series to have female leads and an ensemble cast and faithful representations of Amano'​s art and fairly weighty direction for 1994, but it's far from my favourite.
 +  ***//Fire emblem: Thracia 776//**
 +    * mothmanspirit:​ I like //​[[game:​fire_emblem_series#​Fire Emblem Thracia 776]]// a lot. It's a tactics game, but it feels like a puzzle game. There are levels you might replay fifteen or more times, trying to slide the right guys into the right tiles, but there'​s never just one answer.
   ***//​Firestriker / Holy Striker (JP)//**   ***//​Firestriker / Holy Striker (JP)//**
-    * MrSkeleton: //​[[game:​final_fantasy_series|Final Fantasy]]// + //​[[game:​Breakout]]//​. Aim for the ace! a very interesting [[hardware:​snes#​mode 7]] based tennis game for the [[hardware:​snes|SNES]].+    * MrSkeleton: //​[[game:​final_fantasy_series|Final Fantasy]]// + //​[[game:​Breakout]]//​.
   ***//The Firemen//**   ***//The Firemen//**
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   ***//​Gradius 3//** (also on: arcade, Wii VC)   ***//​Gradius 3//** (also on: arcade, Wii VC)
-    *wourme: I much prefer this to the arcade version. Though it's not my very favorite shooter, I've probably played it through more times than any other.+    *wourme: I much prefer this to the arcade version. Though it's not my very favorite ​[[genre:​shooters|shooter]], I've probably played it through more times than any other.
   ***//​Hagane//​**   ***//​Hagane//​**
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     * MrSkeleton: An interesting little 90's anime based game for the [[hardware:​snes|SNES]] that's actually a loving homage (and actually better than every game in) the //​[[game:​valis_series|Valis]]//​ series.     * MrSkeleton: An interesting little 90's anime based game for the [[hardware:​snes|SNES]] that's actually a loving homage (and actually better than every game in) the //​[[game:​valis_series|Valis]]//​ series.
     * The Blueberry Hill: I have a soft spot for this pretty average game (and the rest of [[game:​makerun_makendo_series|the series]]) because of its [[company:​Datam Polystar]] connection, and [[people:​Ano Shimizu]] illustrations,​ but that's about all I like about it.      * The Blueberry Hill: I have a soft spot for this pretty average game (and the rest of [[game:​makerun_makendo_series|the series]]) because of its [[company:​Datam Polystar]] connection, and [[people:​Ano Shimizu]] illustrations,​ but that's about all I like about it. 
 +    * Glam Grimfire: Is an interestin little 90's anime based game for the SNES that's actually a loving homage (and actually better than every game in) the //​[[game:​valis_series|Valis]]//​ series,
-  ***//​Kirby'​s Dream Course / Kirby Bowl (JP)//** (also on: Wii VC, Wii U VC)+  ***//[[game:​kirbys_dream_course|Kirby'​s Dream Course / Kirby Bowl]] (JP)//** (also on: Wii VC, Wii U VC)
     *SplashBeats:​ a wonderful, weird, one-of-a-kind game that's a complete blast multiplayer.     *SplashBeats:​ a wonderful, weird, one-of-a-kind game that's a complete blast multiplayer.
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   ***//Legend of the Mystical Ninja//**   ***//Legend of the Mystical Ninja//**
-  ***//The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past//** (also on: GBA, Wii VC)+  ***//[[game:​the_legend_of_zelda_a_link_to_the_past|The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past]]//** (also on: GBA, Wii VC)
     *Sniper Honeyviper: Your enjoyment of this game will hinge entirely on your nostalgic attachment to the series.     *Sniper Honeyviper: Your enjoyment of this game will hinge entirely on your nostalgic attachment to the series.
     *gatotsu2501:​ Even when I was young and obsessed with all things Zelda, I always found ALttP kinda... boring. Next to Ocarina of Time (which is practically a remake) it feels like it lacks personality,​ even if it's technically held up better.     *gatotsu2501:​ Even when I was young and obsessed with all things Zelda, I always found ALttP kinda... boring. Next to Ocarina of Time (which is practically a remake) it feels like it lacks personality,​ even if it's technically held up better.
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   ***//Ninja Warriors (NA) / The Ninja Warriors Again (JP) / The Ninja Warriors (PAL)//**   ***//Ninja Warriors (NA) / The Ninja Warriors Again (JP) / The Ninja Warriors (PAL)//**
     * q 3: //Ninja Warriors Again// is a side-scrolling beat'​em up with lots of style and lots of stylish moves, a sequel of sorts to the ancient [[company:​Taito]] arcade game. It was released in the U.S. as "//The Ninjawarriors//"​ but the female ninja enemies were removed and the story (all two paragraphs of it) was toned down — now your mission is not to assassinate the evil dictator, but merely depose him.     * q 3: //Ninja Warriors Again// is a side-scrolling beat'​em up with lots of style and lots of stylish moves, a sequel of sorts to the ancient [[company:​Taito]] arcade game. It was released in the U.S. as "//The Ninjawarriors//"​ but the female ninja enemies were removed and the story (all two paragraphs of it) was toned down — now your mission is not to assassinate the evil dictator, but merely depose him.
 +  ***//​Nosferatu//​**
 +    * mothmanspirit:​ I like //​Nosferatu//,​ which is like Prince of Persia but you punch werewolves. It has a sort of industrial soundtrack that doesn'​t sound much like any other 16-bit game - I can't find my favorite track off of it, but I promise it's there, in the second part of the first level I think.
   ***//On the Ball (NA/PAL) / Cameltry (JP)//**   ***//On the Ball (NA/PAL) / Cameltry (JP)//**
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   ***//​Phantom 2040//** (also on: Game Gear, MD)   ***//​Phantom 2040//** (also on: Game Gear, MD)
-    *MrSkeleton:​ Based on a terrible cartoon, //Phantom 2040// is a metrovania/​platformer for the SNES based on the phantom ​license. Really good.+    *MrSkeleton:​ Based on a terrible cartoon, //Phantom 2040// is a [[genre:​metroidvania|metrovania]]/platformer for the SNES based on the Phantom [[theme:​licensed_games|license]]. Really good.
   ***//​[[game:​Picross NP]]// (vols. 1-8)**   ***//​[[game:​Picross NP]]// (vols. 1-8)**
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   ***//Pocky & Rocky / KiKi KaiKai: Nazo no Kuro Manto (JP)//**   ***//Pocky & Rocky / KiKi KaiKai: Nazo no Kuro Manto (JP)//**
 +  ***//Prince of Persia//**
 +    * username: The SNES version of //​[[game:​Prince of Persia]]// is a unique version of the game that has about twice as many levels as the original one, so for fans of the game it is much worth checking out.
   ***//Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame//** (also on: Mac; PC)   ***//Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame//** (also on: Mac; PC)
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   ***//Rock n' Roll Racing//** (also on: GBA; MD)   ***//Rock n' Roll Racing//** (also on: GBA; MD)
 +  ***//​Saturday Night Slam Masters//**
 +    * username: My favorite wrestling game from that era as it is basically a dumbed down [[company:​capcom|Capcom]] fighter with great looking characters. It has a Capcom sprite version of [[character:​darth_vader|Vader]],​ so obviously it is a great game.
   ***//Secret of Evermore//​**   ***//Secret of Evermore//​**
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   ***//​Shadowrun//​**   ***//​Shadowrun//​**
-    *The Blueberry Hill: An odd, atmospheric,​ RPG, that's a bit short. There'​s potential in the mechanics for something grander. Made by [[companies:​melbourne_house|Beam Software]].+    *The Blueberry Hill: An odd, atmospheric,​ RPG, that's a bit short. There'​s potential in the mechanics for something grander. Made by [[company:​melbourne_house|Beam Software]].
     *Broco: Yeah, //​[[game:​shadowrun|Shadowrun SNES]]// has some of the sweetest isometric artwork. It really makes the world feel substantial. It seemed like they spent a lot of time building a cool semi-open world to explore and populated it with this stuff, but on the other hand the gunplay seemed to have been tacked on at the last minute. It's awkward to control and hitscan-based — which makes some encounters feel unfair — and weirdly lacking in visual impact. It has some elements of a classic though, I carried for years a vague memory of awesomeness after renting it for a day as a kid.     *Broco: Yeah, //​[[game:​shadowrun|Shadowrun SNES]]// has some of the sweetest isometric artwork. It really makes the world feel substantial. It seemed like they spent a lot of time building a cool semi-open world to explore and populated it with this stuff, but on the other hand the gunplay seemed to have been tacked on at the last minute. It's awkward to control and hitscan-based — which makes some encounters feel unfair — and weirdly lacking in visual impact. It has some elements of a classic though, I carried for years a vague memory of awesomeness after renting it for a day as a kid.
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   ***//Star Fox / Star Wing (PAL)//** (also on: Wii VC)   ***//Star Fox / Star Wing (PAL)//** (also on: Wii VC)
-  ***//Star Fox 2//**+  ***//Star Fox 2//** - [[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=25665|forum thread]]
     * The Blueberry Hill: This unreleased game is one of the highlights of the 16bit era. The map screen in now //alive//, and events will take place here, even as you play missions.     * The Blueberry Hill: This unreleased game is one of the highlights of the 16bit era. The map screen in now //alive//, and events will take place here, even as you play missions.
   ***//​[[game:​Stunt Race FX]]//**   ***//​[[game:​Stunt Race FX]]//**
     * The Blueberry Hill: The low frame rate may render this little more than a curiosity now. But it's worth a shot, particularly the stunt mode, which is an arcadey, timed, obstacle course.     * The Blueberry Hill: The low frame rate may render this little more than a curiosity now. But it's worth a shot, particularly the stunt mode, which is an arcadey, timed, obstacle course.
 +  ***//Super Adventure Island 2//**
 +    *AutomaticTiger:​ The inexplicable lineage of Wonder Boy gets even stranger, as hudson decides to take their divergent spinoff series back to the series that inspired it, and completely rip off the action adventure format of latter day Wonder Boy games. The weird part is, Super Adventure Island 2 is one of the best wonder boy style games ever made. The criss crossing roads across a tropical archipelago with fun jumping puzzles and chunky combat. Who knows why this game exists, but I'm glad it does.
   ***//Super Aleste (JP/PAL) / Space Megaforce (NA)//**   ***//Super Aleste (JP/PAL) / Space Megaforce (NA)//**
-    *NeoZeedeater:​ The best shooter on the system.+    *NeoZeedeater:​ The best [[genre:​shooters|shooter]] on the system.
     *wourme: A lot of fun, with some pretty interesting graphical effects in places.     *wourme: A lot of fun, with some pretty interesting graphical effects in places.
     *Rud13: These two forget the mention that the levels are way too long.     *Rud13: These two forget the mention that the levels are way too long.
-    *Sniper Honeyviper: We're talking TEN-MINUTE LONG levels with the same backdrop and tilesets repeated in an endless cycle. It's a mechanically sound shooter, but kind of painful to put up with. You'd be better off with any of Hudson'​s Star Soldiers.+    *Sniper Honeyviper: We're talking TEN-MINUTE LONG levels with the same backdrop and tilesets repeated in an endless cycle. It's a mechanically sound [[genre:​shooters|shooter]], but kind of painful to put up with. You'd be better off with any of [[company:Hudson]]'​s ​//​[[game:​star_soldier_series|Star Soldier]]//​s.
   ***//Super Bomberman 3//**   ***//Super Bomberman 3//**
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   ***//Super Mario RPG//** (also on: Wii VC)   ***//Super Mario RPG//** (also on: Wii VC)
     * gatotsu2501:​ A charming little game with several impressive-for-its-time innovations that periodically poked their heads up again in both its more polished Nintendo-developed spiritual successors and a handful of subsequent Squaresoft games. May not quite live up to its reputation if you're over the age of 10 the first time you play it.     * gatotsu2501:​ A charming little game with several impressive-for-its-time innovations that periodically poked their heads up again in both its more polished Nintendo-developed spiritual successors and a handful of subsequent Squaresoft games. May not quite live up to its reputation if you're over the age of 10 the first time you play it.
 +    * CubaLibre: I actually think //SMRPG// is probably a contender for best [[genre:​JRPG]]. People remember it fondly as charming and cute and so forth but I think it's also eminently playable and briskly, minorly challenging the way a good JRPG should be. It and //​[[game:​Chrono Trigger]]// are probably the only JRPGs I'd pick up and replay for fun (not counting //​[[game:​Earthbound]]//​ and //​[[game:​Mother 3]]//, which are sort of different beasts).
 +    * Broco: I think //Mario RPG// is a bad game primarily because it's ugly-looking. Much of the reason to like the [[company:​squaresoft|Square]] games of the same era is their fantastic pixel art; //SMRPG// has this really disjointed pseudo-3d look.
 +    * schroeder: My favorite part of //SMRPG// is that it harnessed the impatient tapping everyone does in JRPG battles and made it a mechanic.
 +    * Felix: unless you absolutely hate the isometric pre-rendered 2D aesthetic or you're not into relatively literal interpretations of jRPGs circa 1996 (with cool vertical level design and no random battles), very charming and lots of fun. actually has a run button to motivate its platforming elements, which later titles lost sight of. frankly the only thing keeping me from rating it higher is that saying "mario x final fantasy circa 1996 is close to perfection"​ is sort of depressing.
   ***//​[[game:​super_mario_world]]//​** (also on: GBA, Wii VC, Wii U VC)   ***//​[[game:​super_mario_world]]//​** (also on: GBA, Wii VC, Wii U VC)
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   ***//Super Offroad//** (Arcade; Amiga; Amstrad; Atari ST; C64; GB; GG; Lynx, Master System, MD, NES; PC; Spectrum)   ***//Super Offroad//** (Arcade; Amiga; Amstrad; Atari ST; C64; GB; GG; Lynx, Master System, MD, NES; PC; Spectrum)
-    *YoutImaginaryFriend: //Super Offroad// is actually one of my favorite multiplayer games. Me and my little brother spent a lot of time playing that game together (along with //TMNT Arcade// and //Super Contra//) and we got hours of entertainment out of it. I love the way it feels, and it's the only racer of its type that I've enjoyed playing.+    *YourImaginaryFriend: //Super Offroad// is actually one of my favorite multiplayer games. Me and my little brother spent a lot of time playing that game together (along with //TMNT Arcade// and //Super Contra//) and we got hours of entertainment out of it. I love the way it feels, and it's the only racer of its type that I've enjoyed playing.
   ***//Super Punch-Out!!//​** (also on: Wii VC)   ***//Super Punch-Out!!//​** (also on: Wii VC)
-    * rabite gets whacked!: I've actually come to prefer //​[[game:​counter_punch|Wade Hixton'​s Counter Punch]]//!  +    * rabite gets whacked!: I've actually come to prefer //​[[game:​counter_punch|Wade Hixton'​s Counter Punch]]//​! 
-  +
   ***//Super Turrican//​**   ***//Super Turrican//​**
-    ​* RT-55J: Probably the best Turrican for those unwilling to get used to the clunky controls of the Amiga installments.+      ​* RT-55J: Probably the best Turrican for those unwilling to get used to the clunky controls of the Amiga installments.
   ***//Super Turrican 2//**   ***//Super Turrican 2//**
     * RT-55J: basically the Anti-Turrican. Gone are any vestiges of the series'​ large, maze-like levels. In their place is a linear action game that competently apes the Konami'​s situation-rushes of the day. The result is marked improvement over [[game:​mega_turrican|Mega Turrican]], which was already going in that direction anyway. The weapons feel balanced, the grappling hook is no longer cripplingly unwieldy, and the setpieces don't need to be forgivingly idealized. The bosses are rather impressive, with the spider and the final boss being the standouts.     * RT-55J: basically the Anti-Turrican. Gone are any vestiges of the series'​ large, maze-like levels. In their place is a linear action game that competently apes the Konami'​s situation-rushes of the day. The result is marked improvement over [[game:​mega_turrican|Mega Turrican]], which was already going in that direction anyway. The weapons feel balanced, the grappling hook is no longer cripplingly unwieldy, and the setpieces don't need to be forgivingly idealized. The bosses are rather impressive, with the spider and the final boss being the standouts.
-    * RT-55J: Just a word of warning: the Axelay stage is the stuff of horrors.+    * RT-55J: Just a word of warning: the //Axelay// stage is the stuff of horrors.
   ***//Sutte Hakkun//** ([[hardware:​snes#​Satellaview]] & [[hardware:​snes#​nintendo_power|NP]] only)   ***//Sutte Hakkun//** ([[hardware:​snes#​Satellaview]] & [[hardware:​snes#​nintendo_power|NP]] only)
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   ***//UN Squadron / Area 88//** (also on: arcade)   ***//UN Squadron / Area 88//** (also on: arcade)
-    * The Blueberry Hill: This is my second favourite SNES shooter. Its structure feels unconventional,​ and its difficulty is just the right amount of //hard//.+    * The Blueberry Hill: This is my second favourite SNES [[genre:​shooters|shooter]]. Its structure feels unconventional,​ and its difficulty is just the right amount of //hard//.
-  ***//​Umihara Kawase//** (also on: DS, PlayStation)+  ***//[[game:​umihara_kawase_series#​Umihara Kawase]]//** (also on: DS, PlayStation)
     *dessgeega: possibly the most perfect game ever designed. one of the few games genuinely worth playing on the super famicom.     *dessgeega: possibly the most perfect game ever designed. one of the few games genuinely worth playing on the super famicom.
   ***//​Unirally (PAL) / Uniracers (NA)//**   ***//​Unirally (PAL) / Uniracers (NA)//**
     * The Blueberry Hill: [[company:​DMA]]s curious, very fast, programmer-graphic-ed,​ side-view racing game. Courses twist and loop, and you perform mid-air tricks (and there are lots of them) to gain speed. Multiplayer is great, providing both players are skilled at the game.     * The Blueberry Hill: [[company:​DMA]]s curious, very fast, programmer-graphic-ed,​ side-view racing game. Courses twist and loop, and you perform mid-air tricks (and there are lots of them) to gain speed. Multiplayer is great, providing both players are skilled at the game.
 +    * Infernarl: //​[[game:​unirally|Uniracers]]//​ is the best sonic game.
   ***//​Wario'​s Woods//** (also on: NES, Wii VC)   ***//​Wario'​s Woods//** (also on: NES, Wii VC)
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 =====See Also===== =====See Also=====
   *[[gameboy|SB Recommends Game Boy Games]] - playable via [[hardware:​snes#​Super Game Boy]]   *[[gameboy|SB Recommends Game Boy Games]] - playable via [[hardware:​snes#​Super Game Boy]]
 +  *[[https://​selectbutton.net/​t/​snes-rom-suggestions/​2508/​|SNES ROM SUGGESTIONS]] - 2016 forum recommendations
   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=14652|I just hooked up my SNES]] - Forum recommendations   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=14652|I just hooked up my SNES]] - Forum recommendations
   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=2605|help me appreciate SNES]] - Forum recommendations   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=2605|help me appreciate SNES]] - Forum recommendations
   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=5364|Keep my SNES collection to 10 games or less]] - Forum recommendations   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=5364|Keep my SNES collection to 10 games or less]] - Forum recommendations
   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=1002|I want to play more Super Famicom games.]] - Forum thread focused on games for Japanese practice!   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=1002|I want to play more Super Famicom games.]] - Forum thread focused on games for Japanese practice!
 sb/recommended/snes.1433500708.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/08 09:58 (external edit)
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