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sb:recommended:neogeo [2010/02/09 22:59]
sb:recommended:neogeo [2018/11/06 02:06] (current)
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 =====SB Recommends Neo Geo Games===== =====SB Recommends Neo Geo Games=====
-SNK's powerful-for-1990 arcade platform with a mostly identical, ridiculously expensive home counterpart,​ and a later CD-based version with games that took approximately ​sevel lunar cycles to load. Despite bankruptcy and the soiling of several key franchises by some hack Korean developers, the Neo retained official support for a staggering 14 years. Home to more fighting games than you can shake a QCF + P at.+{{:​fig:​recommended:​neogeo_mini.jpg }}[[company:​snk|SNK]]'s powerful-for-1990 arcade platform with a mostly identical, ridiculously expensive ​[[hardware:​neogeo#​Advanced Entertainment System|home counterpart]], and a later [[hardware:​neogeo#​Neo Geo CD|CD-based version]] with games that took approximately ​seven lunar cycles to load anything. Despite bankruptcy and the soiling of several key franchises by some hack Korean developers, the **Neo** retained official support for a staggering 14 years. Home to more fighting games than you can shake a QCF + P at.
 =====Recommended===== =====Recommended=====
   ***//​Blazing Star//**   ***//​Blazing Star//**
-    * Rudie: I love this shooter until it gets god damn impossible.+    * Rudie: I love this [[genre:​shooters|shooter]] until it gets god damn impossible
 +    * chompers po pable: //​[[game:​Blazing Star]]// is fantastic, and even moreso with two players. It isn't overly long and has some of the coolest bosses this side of //​[[game:​Guwange]]//​.  
 +    * Felix: Actually a really darn good tough-but-fair,​ gorgeous, straightforward space shooter. Doesn'​t get mentioned enough.
-  ***//Garou: Mark of the Wolves//​** +  ***//Garou: Mark of the Wolves//​** ​(also on: DC, PS2, XBLA) 
-    * Sniper Honeyviper: SNK's answer to Street Fighter III, which means it's the second best fighting game of all time.+    * Sniper Honeyviper: SNK's answer to //​[[game:​sf3|Street Fighter III]]//, which means it's the second best fighting game of all time
 +    * Firenze: On a lot of people'​s short list for best fighting game ever. I'd only place it below //​[[game:​sf3#​3rd_strike|3rd Strike]]// and //​[[game:​sfa2|SFA2]]//​ for my personal favorites. It's [[company:​SNK]] with a very smooth [[company:​Capcom]] (a la [[game:​sfa_seres|SF Alpha series]]) feel, not the usual stiffness from a SNK fighter.
-  ***//The King of Fighters '​98:​The Slugfest//​** +  ​***//​Ironclad / Chotetsu Brikin'​ger (JP)//** (Also on: Wii VC) 
-    * Sniper Honeyviper: The definitive KOF. I still prefer '97 and 2000 though.+    * Sniper Honeyviper: A really weird [[genre:​shooters#​Horizontal Shooter|horizontal shooter]] with an [[game:​r-type_series|R-Typian]] detatchable pod, set in an alternate-history 1920s eastern Europe with [[theme:​mecha_games|mecha]]. The graphics could be described as an Impressionist //​[[game:​donkey_kong_country_series|Donkey Kong Country]]// with lots of industrial grunge. Released on the Wii's Virtual Console.  
 +  ​***//The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest//​** ​(also on: PS, PS2, PSN, Wii VC, XBLA) 
 +    * Sniper Honeyviper: The definitive ​//​[[game:​kof98|KOF]]//. I still prefer ​//​[[game:​kof97|'97]]// and //​[[game:​kof2000|2000]]// though.
   ​   ​
-  ***//The King of Fighters 2003//**+  ***//The King of Fighters 2003//​** ​(also on: PS2, Xbox)
   ***//Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle//**   ***//Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle//**
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     * Sniper Honeyviper: The music in the slums stage is the best grunge rock track in a videogame.     * Sniper Honeyviper: The music in the slums stage is the best grunge rock track in a videogame.
-  ***//The Last Blade 2//** +  ***//The Last Blade 2//** (also on: DC, PS2, PSN, Wii VC) 
-    * Rudie: I always found Samurai Shodown too slow for me.  This is a quicker based weapons fighter that takes place when Japan finally opened it's doors to the world.+    * Rudie: I always found //​[[game:​samurai_shodown_series|Samurai Shodown]]// too slow for me.  This is a quicker based weapons fighter that takes place when Japan finally opened it's doors to the world(([[wp>​Late Tokugawa shogunate]])).
     * Loki Laufeyson: The counter button adds both a lot of fun, and a metric ton of tension.     * Loki Laufeyson: The counter button adds both a lot of fun, and a metric ton of tension.
-  ***//Metal Slug X//** +  ***//Last Resort//** (also on: Wii VC) 
-    * Rudieis a remixed version of 2 and is my favorite Metal Slug.  My problem ​with (popular favorite) is the enemies eventually take too much damage and it just gets too hard to stay alive.+    * chompers po pable//​[[game:​Last Resort]]// ​is a neat game, with wonderful animation and interesting boss/enemy sprites ​(and a neo-dark, post-moody atmosphere, and a descent soundtrack, from what I remember). It is a bit on the hard side, unless you are willing ​to credit-feed it. Plays like //​[[game:​r-type_series|R-Type]]//​.
-  ***//Metal Slug 4 and 5//**+  ​***//Metal Slug X//** (Also on: PS, PS2, PSP, Wii, Wii VC) 
 +    * Rudie: //​[[game:​metal_slug_x|X]]//​ is a remixed version of //​[[game:​metal_slug_2|2]]//​ and is my favorite //​[[game:​metal_slug_series|Metal Slug]]//. My problem with //​[[game:​metal_slug_3|3]]//​ (popular favorite) is the enemies eventually take too much damage and it just gets too hard to stay alive. 
 +    * Felix: Objectively it's probably the best game in the series. I have a lot of affection for the original because I can 1cc it, but this game has more varied level design and is better balanced for co-op. As Rudie said, 3 gets to be a bit much, even though it is grandiose and spectacular. 
 +  ***//Metal Slug 3//** (Also on: PS2, Wii VC, Xbox, XBLA) 
 +    * Brandon and Tim: **YOU'​RE GOD DAMN RIGHT //​[[game:​metal_slug_3|METAL SLUG 3]]//.** 
 +    * spectralsound:​ The final stage has to be seen to be believed. It's longer than most entire games and about as insane as that sounds. [[company:​treasure|Treasure]] can only dream of such madness. 
 +  ​***//Metal Slug 4 and 5//** (Also on: PS2, Xbox)
     * Rudie: Metal Slug again and again and again.     * Rudie: Metal Slug again and again and again.
-    * Sniper Honeyviper: Don't bother with 4, it's basically an officially licensed doujin game with a depressing amount of recycled assets. 5 has some major problems, but the headbangin'​ soundtrack and Slug mecha make up for it.+    * Sniper Honeyviper: Don't bother with //​[[game:​metal_slug_4|4]]//, it's basically an officially licensed doujin game with a depressing amount of recycled assets. ​//​[[game:​metal_slug_5|5]]// has some major problems, but the headbangin'​ soundtrack and Slug mecha make up for it.
-  ***//Money Idol Exchanger//​**+  ***//Money Idol Exchanger//​** ​(also on: JP PS, PSN)
-  ***//Neo Turf Masters//**+  ***//Neo Turf Masters//​** ​(also on: Wii VC)
     * Rudie: Fantastic Arcade Golf!     * Rudie: Fantastic Arcade Golf!
 +    * Firenze: The best [[genre_golf_games|golf video game]] ever made. And I hate golf. Might be tough to find, but it's fantastic.
-  ***//Sengoku//** - on [[http://www.largeprimenumbers.com/news.php?​nid=247|Large Prime Numbers]]+  ***//Pulstar//** 
 +    *T.: I'm one of like three people whose favorite sort of [[genre:shooters|STG]] are brutally difficult [[genre:​shooters#​Horizontal Shooter|hori]] memorizers, so this is an obvious favorite. It helps that unlike ​//[[game:​Rayxanber 2]]// or //​[[game:​Rezon]]// it's absurdly gorgeous. Time it took to beat (playing a few credits daily): a bit over 2 months. 
 +    * Felix: It's an R-Type knockoff, but an impressive one if you like slower-paced shooters.
-  ***//​Twinkle Star Sprites//**+  ​***//​Sengoku//​** (also on: SFC, SMCD, Wii VC) - [[http://​www.largeprimenumbers.com/​news.php?​nid=247|Large Prime Numbers review]] 
 +  ***//Shock Troopers//​** (also on: PSN, Wii VC) 
 +    * Felix: Basically top-down Metal Slug. Not as replayable but a lot of fun to slog through once with a reasonably competent buddy. 
 +    * GRIMGlamfire:​ hidden difficulty of only using knife to get highest score 
 +  ***//Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy//** (also on: PS2, PSP, Wii, Wii VC) 
 +    * The Blueberry Hill: Really fun arcade scroller. Players attack with stretchy arms (like //​[[game:​Ristar]]//​),​ and can hop between two planes. 
 +    * Shapermc: My favorite platforming game on the system. It has a bit more depth than it should, and the difficulty is pretty much perfect for attempting to one credit the game. It has a //​[[game:​Gunstar Heroes]]// feel in a few places as well.  
 +  ​***//​Twinkle Star Sprites//​** ​(also on: DC, PS2, Saturn, Wii VC)
     * Rudie: A versus puzzle/​shooter. ​ Playing it once sets your mind on fire, and immediately makes you hardcore.     * Rudie: A versus puzzle/​shooter. ​ Playing it once sets your mind on fire, and immediately makes you hardcore.
-    ​+    ​* The Blueberry Hill: I prefer the Saturn version, for its extra modes, but any is more than fine. It's wonderful, frantic, wonderful, and wonderful. 
 +    * spectralsound:​ direct transcript of my thoughts during my first playthrough of this: "holy fuck, i can't even tell what's going on! jesus, i just died! this is awesome!"​ 
 +    * Felix: Wonderful, totally unique versus classic.  
 +  ***//​[[game:​windjammers|Windjammers / Flying Power Disc]] (JP)//** (also on: Wii VC) 
 +    * The Blueberry Hill: Basically, it's a //​[[game:​Pong]]//​ update. With the significant changes being the ability to catch the disc, multiple characters with differing strengths, and interesting shot options (like the ability to bend shots). It's a highly satisfying, speedy, and nuanced multiplayer game. And one of the system'​s best. It's also supported by [[software:​GGPO]]! 
 +    * Felix: It's lacking a tiny little bit of depth or something to be a classic, but it is a lot of fun for being updated Pong.
-=====Related Links=====+=====See Also=====
-  *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/​Neo_Geo_CD|Neo Geo CD Wikipedia Article]]+  ​*[[wp>​Neo_Geo_CD|Neo Geo CD Wikipedia Article]] 
 +  ​*[[http://forums.selectbutton.net/viewtopic.php?​t=1786|I now join the Neo-Geo club (Recommend me games!)]] - forum thread.
 sb/recommended/neogeo.1265774342.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/08 09:58 (external edit)
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