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SB Recommends Master System Games

Almost completely ignored in North America, Sega's 8-bit console enjoyed a fair amount of popularity in Europe, and possibly still reigns as Brazil's most popular console ever. Most NES games are not on the Master System, and vice versa. Most Master System games are either first party, or ports of European computer games.Sega MK III - Gashapon version

  • Alex Kidd in High Tech World
    • Loki Laufeyson: Although not actually very fun to play, worth having a look at for all the amusing and baffling ways to die in the first stage.
  • Alex Kid in Miracle World (also on: PSN, Wii VC, XBLA)
    • The Blueberry Hill: This is the only Alex Kid game I enjoy. It starts off like an arcade game, and just sort of expands.
    • field balm: Sega’s first shot at Mario. One of the most polished platformers on the system. You play as Alex, Prince of Radactian, trained in the ancient art of Shellcore (breaking blocks with your giant hand), on a journey to rescue your princess. A fairly standard linear-level platformer, it features a few interesting features like being able to buy motorbikes and helicopters for some levels, and playing janken against bosses.
  • Danan The Jungle Fighter
    • Loki Laufeyson: A decent, though incredibly short platform adventure with a SHOCKING PLOT TWIST about half way through.
  • Fantasy Zone (also on: Arcade, GG, MSX, NES, PC, PS2, Saturn, TG16, X68, Wii VC)
    • field balm: In my mind, this game is perhaps the birth of the Sega Aesthetic. I wish Opa-Opa (a sentient spaceship with wings) had taken off as the face of Sega. The graphics are adorable.
      The game is a hori shoot ‘em up, but not a traditional one. Levels can scroll left or right, and you can change direction at any time. The levels are finite in size, and loop seamlessly at the edges. Once you destroy all the enemies on a stage, you have to defeat the boss before you go to the next one. There’s an awesome bosh rush at the end too!
  • Golden Axe Warrior
    • field balm: Golden Axe Warrior is one of the best RPGs on the system (I’ll be honest, I haven’t played Phantasy Star). It’s pretty much a rip off of the first Zelda game, with multiple dungeons to go through in order, but it improves on most of the elements. It has proper towns, and way more items, including usable ones like a canoe and hot air balloon. You can use different weapons, from swords to axes, with different uses for each. The graphics are really good, and the controls are tight. Well worth playing if you like classic action-RPGs.
    • diplo: Yeah, I find Golden Axe Warrior much more palatable than the first Zelda. Plus, you can chop foliage down to reveal staircases. It still has some nonsense, though, like rewinding your progress if you exit a screen on the overworld from the “wrong” direction.
  • Golvellius: Valley of Doom
    • The Blueberry Hill: Compile's handsome, perspective changing (think Zelda II) MSX game gets a Sega-developed Master System version. Feels like something in between The Adventure of Link, and Wonder Boy III: nice and arcadey.
  • Kenseiden / Hwarang-ui Geom (Kor)
    • Loki Laufeyson: A great Castlevania-alike, set in fuedal Japan. (Or fuedal Korea in the Korean version)
  • Master of Darkness / Vampire: Master of Darkness (NA) / In the wake of Vampire (JP)
  • Ninja Gaiden
    • Loki Laufeyson: Sega had to make their own Ninja Gaiden game, and the did it well. Looks really nice, and plays in a fast and fluid manner. Has the added bonus of being one of the few NG games that actually is a side story.
  • Phantasy Star (also on: GBA, Wii VC)
    • Takashi: The original Phantasy Star RPG is plenty of firsts, and it's a really delightful sci-fi romp even today (albeit levelling up is very frustrating).
  • R-Type
    • Wourme: Totally rewritten for this platform, the stripped-down presentation somehow adds to the game's atmosphere rather than diminishing it.
  • Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar (also on: Amiga, Apple II, Atari, Atari ST, C64, FM Towns, MSX, NES, PC, PC-88/98)
    • Bennett: still after 26 years, the only game with an interesting take on ethics. (and I do ethics for a living, so this is my professional opinion)
  • Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap / Turma da Mônica em o Resgate (Bra) (also on: GG, PCE, Wii VC) - forum thread
    • Loki Laufeyson: Commonly said to be the best Master System game of all, a title it lives up to. It's a great 8-bit semi-metrovania. Being a Wonderboy game, it probably has at least three other names it's known by.
    • haze: Whenever people fondly remember Zelda II or Castlevania II, I recommend to them to play Wonder Boy III. It feels like a more polished version of what those games were attempting to do, while also shorter and more concise. None of the excess weight.
  • Zillion
    • MOAI: SEGA's answer to Nintendo's Metroid. It may be less atmospheric, but it's still a game worth trying.

See Also

 sb/recommended/master_system.1356576815.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/08 09:58 (external edit)
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