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SB Recommends iOS Games


  • 1-bit Ninja
    • Deets: A very playable take on the 2d/3d world-spinning thing that we've been seeing bits and pieces of over the years
    • glossolalia: 1-bit Ninja is the best semi-traditional platforming experience I've had on the iPhone. it's hard because it's designed to be hard, not because of the controls. the 3D-ness is a cute touch.
  • Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition
    • gatotsu2501: If you're going to play Another World, this is probably the version you should use. The control scheme works better than you'd expect, while the visuals are remastered and the sadistic original difficulty toned down to make the experience more palatable for the gamer of the twenty-first century. (Don't worry purists, the original visuals and difficulty, in addition to a new harder-than-hard mode, are also available right out of the gate.)
  • Bumpy Road
    • Deets: Maybe too delightful.
  • Canabalt
    • gatotsu2501: Slick, quick, beautifully simple, endlessly replayable and super cool. This is the model iPhone action game.
  • Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night
    • gatotsu2501: For a cheap mobile spinoff skinned with reused assets from a 1998 game, this is way better than it has any right to be. A very fun “versus” falling-block game with RPG elements that, oddly, work. It's the sort of game that always keeps you playing for just one more round.
  • ElectroMaster
    • glosolalia: I'm not sure ElectroMaster completely works but it's a charmingly weird attempt at fusing an 80s Taito-y arcade game style with touch controls. Apparently there's a sequel called HungryMaster I'll have to check out.
  • Forget-Me-Not (also on: Mac, PC)
    • JChastain: Forget-Me-Not is really fucking good.
    • Deets: This game had completely unplayable “invisible d-pad” controls that did not work for me in any reliable way on either the iphone or the ipad, even after about an hour of play.
    • galaxyghost: iPhone game of the year for me.
  • Gears
    • glossolalia: A ball rolling game which I guess there's a billion of but Gears seems like it's probably the best. I love how breakable the level design is and the touch controls are solid. It's a 3D iOS game that makes the most of being in 3D and feels right on the iPhone, and those two things are rare enough alone. I guess Zen Bound fits that description too.
  • Hardlines
    • another god: It's a really well done snake game. I play it whenever I feel like playing a phone game.
  • Jetpack Joyride
    • gatotsu2501: Canabalt meets Balloon Fight, only with machine gun jetpacks and Mad Max motorbike powerups and stuff, all nestled within a meta-game goal/reward structure that's addictive without being underhanded. All of which is to say that it's, y'know, pretty sweet.
  • Plants vs. Zombies (also on: DSiWare, PSN, PC, XBLA)
    • Kitten ClanClan: A charming take on the Tower Defense genre that managed to make me overcome my dislike of it. Plants vs. Zombies offers a startlingly large amount of content and a lengthy “story mode,” as well as simple, but addicting mechanics. Serious strategy enthusiasts might find themselves a little bored, however.
  • Road Blaster
    • Deets: The 80s laserdisc Toei-animated Fist of the North Car arcade game and it works astonishingly well on the iphone
  • Space Deadbeef
    • Sniper Honeyviper: A free iOS shmup with lock-on missiles that's old enough to work with any hardware version. I think someone notable worked on it, but I can't remember who.
  • Space Invaders Infinity Gene
  • Sync Ball
    • colour_thief: A pretty fresh and enjoyable puzzle concept. It's a pure puzzle game, by which I mean there's no time pressure or randomness. Just carefully designed levels with a great learning curve, easing you into ever cleverer puzzles. It's not flashy to look at, but it's a really classy and elegantly done. There are very few game elements even by puzzle game standards, and the levels are minimalistic single-screen affairs. It's all so simple, and yet the solutions get pretty crazy… It'll take you a while to get through all the levels.
      If that sounds like fun at all, you'll probably get at least a dollar's worth of fun at any rate.
  • Tilt-to-Live
    • ArOne: You control an Asteroids style ship by tilting and try to survive. There are power ups that give you an edge like a fire ball that fires ahead of you so you have to learn to control your tilts and force field and spike bubbles.
  • QWOP (also on: Flash)
    • The Drunken Samurai: The Ministry of Silly Walks: The Game

See Also

 sb/recommended/ios.1328651222.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/08 09:58 (external edit)
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