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sb:recommended:nes [2014/05/21 08:56]
the_blueberry_hill Done scraping thread! ots of good new recs!
sb:recommended:nes [2020/05/18 03:52] (current)
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 ====== SB Recommends NES/Famicom Games===== ====== SB Recommends NES/Famicom Games=====
-{{:​fig:​recommended:​nes_felty.jpg }} If you were gaming in the mid-to-late eighties, lived in North America or Asia, and owned a console, this was probably it. Home to countless platformers and venerated [[people:​shigeru_miyamoto|Miyamoto]]/​[[people:​gunpei_yoki|Yokoi]] classics, all surrounded by a thick layer of licensed crap. Through the efforts of Chinese pirates and homebrew coders, the Famicom has lived on.+{{:​fig:​recommended:​nes_felty.jpg }} If you were gaming in the mid-to-late eighties, lived in North America or Asia, and owned a console, this was probably it. Home to countless platformers and venerated [[people:​shigeru_miyamoto|Miyamoto]]/​[[people:​gunpei_yoki|Yokoi]] classics, all surrounded by a thick layer of [[theme:​licensed_games|licensed crap]]. Through the efforts of Chinese pirates and homebrew coders, the Famicom has lived on.
 Whether the playability of all of its games has survived the test of time is another question, but the popularity of the hardware meant that tons of stuff was released for it, so you're sure to stumble across many forgotten gems. As the large list below attests. Whether the playability of all of its games has survived the test of time is another question, but the popularity of the hardware meant that tons of stuff was released for it, so you're sure to stumble across many forgotten gems. As the large list below attests.
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     * Professor Hector: To be blunt, this is one fucked-up game. It has an incredible number of secrets, but most of them are extremely obscure and would never be discovered on your own unless you played this game day in and day out (unfortunately,​ it is not good enough to warrant this kind of attention nowadays). The levels (there are 100 in all) usually have multiple exits, some of which you might find by jumping in a certain place a certain number of times, or by falling down a random pit. Some of these exits will launch you forward 10 or 20 levels, others might send you back near the beginning. Quite a few of the levels feel very strange or even unfinished --- I once stumbled upon one with a flashing background littered with [[character:​moai|easter island statues]] in the background. I only mention this game because the sheer weirdness and obscurity of it all makes it mildly interesting. Not recommended if, you know, you're actually expecting to have much fun.     * Professor Hector: To be blunt, this is one fucked-up game. It has an incredible number of secrets, but most of them are extremely obscure and would never be discovered on your own unless you played this game day in and day out (unfortunately,​ it is not good enough to warrant this kind of attention nowadays). The levels (there are 100 in all) usually have multiple exits, some of which you might find by jumping in a certain place a certain number of times, or by falling down a random pit. Some of these exits will launch you forward 10 or 20 levels, others might send you back near the beginning. Quite a few of the levels feel very strange or even unfinished --- I once stumbled upon one with a flashing background littered with [[character:​moai|easter island statues]] in the background. I only mention this game because the sheer weirdness and obscurity of it all makes it mildly interesting. Not recommended if, you know, you're actually expecting to have much fun.
     * The Blueberry Hill: I love this game. It must be one of the most inscrutable games I know.     * The Blueberry Hill: I love this game. It must be one of the most inscrutable games I know.
 +  ***//Attack Animal Gakuen//**
 +    * Wall of Beef: Direct re-skin of //​[[game:​space harrier]]// with weird animal enemies and nice music. Its fun because //space harrier// is fun.
   ***//​[[game:​balloon_fight_series#​Balloon Fight]]//** (also on: Wii VC, 3DS VC)   ***//​[[game:​balloon_fight_series#​Balloon Fight]]//** (also on: Wii VC, 3DS VC)
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     *chompers po pable: Good beat-em-up by [[company:​Rare]]. Very hard towards the end of the game...the speederbikes are just the beginning of the pain.  Really fun two player action, although the game is almost impossible to finish with two players.     *chompers po pable: Good beat-em-up by [[company:​Rare]]. Very hard towards the end of the game...the speederbikes are just the beginning of the pain.  Really fun two player action, although the game is almost impossible to finish with two players.
     *Deets: Anyone who says that the speederbike part is the hardest section of the game is just admitting that they never got past it. Features a very wide variety of gameplay, with a very consistently hard difficulty. Success is derived almost entirely from knowledge of the game's intricacies,​ which include warp zones in order to skip especially hard areas, and the extremely abusable scoring system which can hand out double-digit 1ups in some areas if you know what you're doing.     *Deets: Anyone who says that the speederbike part is the hardest section of the game is just admitting that they never got past it. Features a very wide variety of gameplay, with a very consistently hard difficulty. Success is derived almost entirely from knowledge of the game's intricacies,​ which include warp zones in order to skip especially hard areas, and the extremely abusable scoring system which can hand out double-digit 1ups in some areas if you know what you're doing.
 +  ***//Bible Buffet//**
 +    * OneSecondBefore:​ We booted up //Bible Buffet// expecting to spend five minutes messing about with a shitty religious game. It turned into a three hour, four-player multiplayer marathon.\\ //Bible Buffet// is a //​[[game:​Candy-Land]]//​ style pass-the-controller video board game, where each space you land on demands you play a sort of weird [[pattern:​isometric_perspective|isometric]] platforming game. Each space holds a different level, and the levels can be pretty varied. Some contain bizarre one-off gimmicks, like one that takes place in a burger joint that allows you to push giant coins into an outstretched palm to receive french fries... forever. The board is way too big, with a ton of worlds with names like "​Potato Land," "​Snacks Land," and "​Liquid Land." The game mechanics are just the right level of opaque. You can collect keys, but it's not clear what they'​re for. You can upgrade and acquire weapons, but it's not entirely clear how. There are occasional Bible quiz segments that ask you to refer to an absent quiz book that came with the game, but there are no consequences to just guessing answers. This is a surprisingly mysterious game. It feels like there are deep and obscure secrets hidden in it.\\ It was a very weird experience. If you have some open-minded friends around I'd recommend making a night of it.
   ***//Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa//**   ***//Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa//**
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   ***//Bucky O'​Hare//​**   ***//Bucky O'​Hare//​**
     * T.: //​[[game:​bucky_o_hare|Bucky O'​Hare]]//​ is one of the top 3 or so NES action-platformers,​ easily. Also the most pre-Treasure [[company:​Treasure]] staff working on a single game (and it shows)! It has level design tighter than //​[[game:​Mega Man 3]]// and the variety of //​[[game:​Gunstar Super Heroes]]//, except without stupid vehicle levels. It plays like //what if [[company:​Treasure]] made a //​[[game:​mega_man_series|mega man]]// game//     * T.: //​[[game:​bucky_o_hare|Bucky O'​Hare]]//​ is one of the top 3 or so NES action-platformers,​ easily. Also the most pre-Treasure [[company:​Treasure]] staff working on a single game (and it shows)! It has level design tighter than //​[[game:​Mega Man 3]]// and the variety of //​[[game:​Gunstar Super Heroes]]//, except without stupid vehicle levels. It plays like //what if [[company:​Treasure]] made a //​[[game:​mega_man_series|mega man]]// game//
-    * Kitten ClanClan: One of the best action-platformers on the NES. A variety of characters with different platforming and combat abilities give the game excellent variety. Has great level design, and it also makes great use of the license. ​+    * Kitten ClanClan: One of the best action-platformers on the NES. A variety of characters with different platforming and combat abilities give the game excellent variety. Has great level design, and it also makes great use of the [[theme:​licensed_games|license]]
     * RT-55J: I still don't like it. I mean, it's fascinating,​ brilliant, has some really well thought-out design and [is] enjoyable, but I just don't like it. The game's balance is just unpalatable to me.     * RT-55J: I still don't like it. I mean, it's fascinating,​ brilliant, has some really well thought-out design and [is] enjoyable, but I just don't like it. The game's balance is just unpalatable to me.
       * T.: Enter HARD! as the password to play hard mode, which does away with the health-bar (everything is an instant kill), much to the game's benefit       * T.: Enter HARD! as the password to play hard mode, which does away with the health-bar (everything is an instant kill), much to the game's benefit
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     *Isfet: Preferably, the best way to play this game for the first time is on a Nintendo Vs. arcade cabinet in a condominium complex in St. Augustine, Florida. ​ Assuming you think of how the game controls as a design **choice** and not a design **flaw,** it holds up very well even today. ​ Regardless of how you think of it, though, it becomes very, very hard towards the end.     *Isfet: Preferably, the best way to play this game for the first time is on a Nintendo Vs. arcade cabinet in a condominium complex in St. Augustine, Florida. ​ Assuming you think of how the game controls as a design **choice** and not a design **flaw,** it holds up very well even today. ​ Regardless of how you think of it, though, it becomes very, very hard towards the end.
     *Diplocephalus:​ Fun game, if you're not bothered by the character being a tank. Some of the most memorable level designs in the series. Keep walking and jumping and you won't be screwed.     *Diplocephalus:​ Fun game, if you're not bothered by the character being a tank. Some of the most memorable level designs in the series. Keep walking and jumping and you won't be screwed.
 +    *Pijaibros: even though there are superior versions of //​Castlevania//​. I know //​Dracula'​s Curse//, //​Bloodlines//,​ the //​Adventure//​ Wiimake and //Rondo of Blood// are all better games. that first one just feels like "​coming home" for me as i march towards that tower in the distance. i can't explain why, but it's the //​Castlevania//​ I play most. maybe because a full experience can be had in only 20 minutes? ​
   ***//​[[game:​castlevania_ii_simons_quest|Castlevania II - Simon'​s Quest]]//** (also on: Wii VC)   ***//​[[game:​castlevania_ii_simons_quest|Castlevania II - Simon'​s Quest]]//** (also on: Wii VC)
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   ***//Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers//**   ***//Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers//**
     *Take it Sleazy: I love the completely out of whack sense of proportion and throwing things/the other player at enemies feels much more satisfying to me than in //​[[game:​super_mario_bros_2|Mario 2]]//. The bosses are bullshit, though.     *Take it Sleazy: I love the completely out of whack sense of proportion and throwing things/the other player at enemies feels much more satisfying to me than in //​[[game:​super_mario_bros_2|Mario 2]]//. The bosses are bullshit, though.
 +  ***//Chubby Cherub//**
 +    *Tulpa: What to say about Chubby Cherrub? Chubby Cherub is the game. An abysmal side scroller, but a wonderful shared experience if you inflict it on people who don't know what they'​re getting into. That is what happened to me and now I must advocate for it.
   ***//Clash at Demonhead//​**   ***//Clash at Demonhead//​**
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     *wourme: Possibly my favorite video game, period, if I had to choose one and was allowed to consider nostalgia in the decision.     *wourme: Possibly my favorite video game, period, if I had to choose one and was allowed to consider nostalgia in the decision.
     *Scratchmonkey:​ Very nice-looking and nice-playing action RPG from [[company:​SNK]].     *Scratchmonkey:​ Very nice-looking and nice-playing action RPG from [[company:​SNK]].
 +    *setc: //​[[game:​Crystalis]]//​ is a snappier //​[[game:​the_legend_of_zelda_series|Zelda]]//​-like by [[company:​snk|SNK]] with really good music. ​
   ***//​Darkwing Duck//**   ***//​Darkwing Duck//**
   ***//Demon Sword//**   ***//Demon Sword//**
 +    * aderack: If you want a more refined thing, there is an NES-based sequel called Demon Sword. Same ludrcrpus jumping [as //​[[game:​Legend of Kage]]//); more of a confident late-era NES design. Reminds me in some ways of //​[[game:​ninja_gaiden_series#​Ninja Gaiden II]]//, //​[[game:​Shatterhand]]//,​ etc.
   ***//​Destiny of An Emperor//**   ***//​Destiny of An Emperor//**
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     *dmauro: The level select loop is only like five seconds long, but I never get sick of it.     *dmauro: The level select loop is only like five seconds long, but I never get sick of it.
     *Take It Sleazy: //​DuckTales//​ expanded on [[people:​tokuro fujiwara|Fujiwara]]'​s games really feeling like a real living world and the music is great and I love Scrooge McDuck.     *Take It Sleazy: //​DuckTales//​ expanded on [[people:​tokuro fujiwara|Fujiwara]]'​s games really feeling like a real living world and the music is great and I love Scrooge McDuck.
-    *Kitten ClanClan: Genuinely worth playing if only for the music. Great use of the license and a very enticing game once you're gotten used to the mechanics.+    *Kitten ClanClan: Genuinely worth playing if only for the music. Great use of the [[theme:​licensed_games|license]] and a very enticing game once you're gotten used to the mechanics.
   ***//​Eggerland//​**   ***//​Eggerland//​**
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   ***//​Faxanadu//​**   ***//​Faxanadu//​**
     *Kitten ClanClan: While the difficulty is sometimes poorly balanced and the game lacks direction, fans of //​[[game:​zelda_ii_the_adventure_of_link|Zelda II]]// and early [[company:​Falcom]] will find much to enjoy.     *Kitten ClanClan: While the difficulty is sometimes poorly balanced and the game lacks direction, fans of //​[[game:​zelda_ii_the_adventure_of_link|Zelda II]]// and early [[company:​Falcom]] will find much to enjoy.
 +    *CourierRice:​ //​[[game:​Faxanadu]]//​ has great clunk and atmosphere. I beat it and a year or so later I still think about returning to it, seeing if I can try it again without guide help.
   ***//Final Fantasy III//** (remade for DS, iOS, PSP, lord knows what else)   ***//Final Fantasy III//** (remade for DS, iOS, PSP, lord knows what else)
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   ***//The Goonies II//**   ***//The Goonies II//**
-    *aderack: Sequel greatly expanding on the adventure elements of [[company:​Konami]]'​s earlier licensed game (only released in arcades over here). Plays like the midpoint between [[people:​koji_igarashi|Igarashi]]-era //​[[game:​castlevania_series|Castlevania]]//,​ NES-era //​[[game:​the_legend_of_zelda_series|Zelda]]//,​ and //​[[game:​Shadowgate]]//​ — Cyndi Lauper thrown in for good measure. In the end, it feels almost completely organic — like [[company:​Konami]]'​s own homegrown response to //​[[game:​Metroid]]//​. Nearly impossible to get anywhere, much less finish, unless you know what you're doing.+    *aderack: Sequel greatly expanding on the adventure elements of [[company:​Konami]]'​s earlier ​[[theme:​licensed_games|licensed game]] (only released in arcades over here). Plays like the midpoint between [[people:​koji_igarashi|Igarashi]]-era //​[[game:​castlevania_series|Castlevania]]//,​ NES-era //​[[game:​the_legend_of_zelda_series|Zelda]]//,​ and //​[[game:​Shadowgate]]//​ — Cyndi Lauper thrown in for good measure. In the end, it feels almost completely organic — like [[company:​Konami]]'​s own homegrown response to //​[[game:​Metroid]]//​. Nearly impossible to get anywhere, much less finish, unless you know what you're doing.
     * Mr. Mechanical: //​[[game:​The Goonies II]]// ​ is a bit like //​[[game:​Metroid]]//​ in more than a few ways because of the large map and focus on exploration. Plus it's //The Goonies// and what's not to like about that?      * Mr. Mechanical: //​[[game:​The Goonies II]]// ​ is a bit like //​[[game:​Metroid]]//​ in more than a few ways because of the large map and focus on exploration. Plus it's //The Goonies// and what's not to like about that? 
     * Adilegian: It also had one of the most memorable (for me) door sound effects. ​     * Adilegian: It also had one of the most memorable (for me) door sound effects. ​
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   ***//Hello Kitty World//**   ***//Hello Kitty World//**
-    *dessgeega: balloon kid with a hello kitty license. if you haven'​t played balloon kid, it's balloon fight world tour.+    *dessgeega: ​//​[[game:​balloon_kid|balloon kid]]// with a hello kitty [[theme:​licensed_games|license]]. if you haven'​t played balloon kid, it's balloon fight world tour.
   ***//Holy Diver//**   ***//Holy Diver//**
     *Kitten ClanClan: An almost satanically difficult action-platformer in the vein of Castlevania from [[company:​Irem]]. Extremely tight, but equally unforgiving. Based on the song by Dio, and features pastiches of Zack Wylde and Ronny James Dio. Only released in Japan.     *Kitten ClanClan: An almost satanically difficult action-platformer in the vein of Castlevania from [[company:​Irem]]. Extremely tight, but equally unforgiving. Based on the song by Dio, and features pastiches of Zack Wylde and Ronny James Dio. Only released in Japan.
 +    *firenze: It's basically [[company:​irem|IREM]] does //​[[game:​castlevania_series|Castlevania]]//,​ but with magic spells instead of whips. Japan only release. It's also really difficult, but controls quite well (control jumps in mid air? yep!). I couldn'​t imagine trying to finish it on a real cart, but with save states it's excellent. For some reason this is the only NES ROM I've had on my PC for the past 2+ years. I actually go back to it semi-regularly too. 
   ***//Ice Climber//** (also on: 3DS VC, GBA, Wii VC)   ***//Ice Climber//** (also on: 3DS VC, GBA, Wii VC)
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   ***//​Journey to Silius//**   ***//​Journey to Silius//**
     *monaco: Do yourself a favor: DO NOT SWEAR when playing this game, it weakens the aural bliss.     *monaco: Do yourself a favor: DO NOT SWEAR when playing this game, it weakens the aural bliss.
-    *Kitten ClanClan: Above-average [[company:​Sunsoft]] action-platformer originally based on the Terminator license. What it lacks in living up to its peers, it makes up for by having what is by leaps and bounds one of the best soundtracks on the NES. +    *Kitten ClanClan: Above-average [[company:​Sunsoft]] action-platformer originally based on the Terminator ​[[theme:​licensed_games|license]]. What it lacks in living up to its peers, it makes up for by having what is by leaps and bounds one of the best soundtracks on the NES. 
   ***//Kabuki Quantum Fighter//**   ***//Kabuki Quantum Fighter//**
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   ***//Little Nemo: The Dream Master//**   ***//Little Nemo: The Dream Master//**
-    *Kitten ClanClan: Although it can become too frustratingly difficult for its own good, it features impressive music and visuals from [[company:​Capcom]],​ a name that earns its place among the best NES developers. Good use of the license and interesting mechanics, as well. +    *Kitten ClanClan: Although it can become too frustratingly difficult for its own good, it features impressive music and visuals from [[company:​Capcom]],​ a name that earns its place among the best NES developers. Good use of the [[theme:​licensed_games|license]] and interesting mechanics, as well. 
   ***//Little Samson / Seirei Densetsu Lickle (JP)//**   ***//Little Samson / Seirei Densetsu Lickle (JP)//**
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   ***//M.C. Kids / McDonald Land (PAL)//**   ***//M.C. Kids / McDonald Land (PAL)//**
     * BIGJ420COOLDUDE:​ Reasons why //​[[game:​mc_kids|M.C. Kids]]// is great: drop-dead honest level design. It's like every other level is that level in //​[[game:​super_mario_bros_3|SMB3]]//​ where you have to fly with a turtle in hand—well-thought-out puzzles that make you scratch your head using a really limited set of tools. Of course there'​s great platforming to be had in between all these puzzles too. It has really great music too though it only like four tracks. Also the story is kind of hilarious. anyhow it's pretty comparable to //​[[game:​super_mario_bros_3|SMB3]]//​. It's much smaller and a little tighter. I've played a fucking lot of //​[[game:​super_mario_bros_3|SMB3]]//​ BTW.     * BIGJ420COOLDUDE:​ Reasons why //​[[game:​mc_kids|M.C. Kids]]// is great: drop-dead honest level design. It's like every other level is that level in //​[[game:​super_mario_bros_3|SMB3]]//​ where you have to fly with a turtle in hand—well-thought-out puzzles that make you scratch your head using a really limited set of tools. Of course there'​s great platforming to be had in between all these puzzles too. It has really great music too though it only like four tracks. Also the story is kind of hilarious. anyhow it's pretty comparable to //​[[game:​super_mario_bros_3|SMB3]]//​. It's much smaller and a little tighter. I've played a fucking lot of //​[[game:​super_mario_bros_3|SMB3]]//​ BTW.
-    * dessgeega: While I see what the game is doing, I don't really like that getting to the end of the level is a secondary objective, and I really don't like the license, but that's a given.+    * dessgeega: While I see what the game is doing, I don't really like that getting to the end of the level is a secondary objective, and I really don't like the [[theme:​licensed_games|license]], but that's a given.
     * Invisibleyogurt:​ //​[[game:​mc_kids|McKids]]//​ is basically //​[[game:​super_mario_bros_2_usa|Super Doki Doki Panic Brothers 2]]// plus an unfriendly utter contempt for the person playing it. And obvious retardedness. The music drives me insane, too!     * Invisibleyogurt:​ //​[[game:​mc_kids|McKids]]//​ is basically //​[[game:​super_mario_bros_2_usa|Super Doki Doki Panic Brothers 2]]// plus an unfriendly utter contempt for the person playing it. And obvious retardedness. The music drives me insane, too!
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     *Sniper Honeyviper: Must have really been something to behold in 1986. Absolutely unplayable for modern gamers.     *Sniper Honeyviper: Must have really been something to behold in 1986. Absolutely unplayable for modern gamers.
     *Max Cola: And thanks to this forum and a thread I made a while back, my hatred of //​[[game:​Metroid]]//​ has grown into a grudging appreciation,​ and then into a genuine crazy enjoyment. Once you get a decent supply of missiles, the game becomes much easier and more fun, while still being a stiff challenge. Still like //​[[game:​metroid_2|Metroid 2]]/​[[game:​super_metroid|Super Metroid]]// better, though. Map or no map.     *Max Cola: And thanks to this forum and a thread I made a while back, my hatred of //​[[game:​Metroid]]//​ has grown into a grudging appreciation,​ and then into a genuine crazy enjoyment. Once you get a decent supply of missiles, the game becomes much easier and more fun, while still being a stiff challenge. Still like //​[[game:​metroid_2|Metroid 2]]/​[[game:​super_metroid|Super Metroid]]// better, though. Map or no map.
-    *Kitten ClanClan: Although mechanically difficult to appreciate by today'​s standards, it's still a hallmark NES game for its innovation and sense of exploration. Playing your first time through with a map will heartily remedy much of the game's frustrations. ​+    *Kitten ClanClan: Although mechanically difficult to appreciate by today'​s standards, it's still a hallmark NES game for its innovation and sense of exploration. Playing your first time through with a map will heartily remedy much of the game's frustrations
 +    *Broco: I also am among the few who like NES //Metroid// and wish any of the other //​[[game:​metroid_series|Metroids]]//​ were as difficult as it is, yeah. The premise of spelunking deeper and deeper into a viciously alien cave system works a lot better when you're getting battered at every turn and your life total is like a clock.\\ I'm not sure I'd credit it with that much sense of pace, though. Your starting health being 30 (making you farm health before you set out) is an inexplicable waste of time. And Norfair is an endless blob of copy-pasted rooms where you may discover anticlimactic missile packs.
   ***//Might and Magic//**   ***//Might and Magic//**
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     *chompers po pable: Some of the best music, gameplay, and graphics on the NES.  This one has aged very well.  A dash of rhythm game style memorization,​ a pinch of puzzle game logic, and two forty oz. bottles of awesome action.     *chompers po pable: Some of the best music, gameplay, and graphics on the NES.  This one has aged very well.  A dash of rhythm game style memorization,​ a pinch of puzzle game logic, and two forty oz. bottles of awesome action.
     * Mikey: I prefer the non-Tyson //​[[game:​punch_out|Punchout]]//​ - having a real person in that game (unbelievable as he may be at some times) kinda spoils it for me.     * Mikey: I prefer the non-Tyson //​[[game:​punch_out|Punchout]]//​ - having a real person in that game (unbelievable as he may be at some times) kinda spoils it for me.
 +    * Deneb: Mike Tyson is the greatest boss battle ever.
 +    * wpham: The purest boss fight design, predating (predicting?​) Warning Forever and Shadow of the Colossus (thanks Adilegian for the connection!).
   ***//​Monopoly//​**   ***//​Monopoly//​**
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     *Wall of Beef: I'm in love with //​[[game:​Otocky]]//​! I love it when a game starts out being such a mystery. I had no idea what I was doing, but as you go you start to glue things together. Your brow unfurls into a gleeful grin. I also love that you save music, by using music. No way these creepy eyeball blobs will kill music when I can sing such happy tunes!!!     *Wall of Beef: I'm in love with //​[[game:​Otocky]]//​! I love it when a game starts out being such a mystery. I had no idea what I was doing, but as you go you start to glue things together. Your brow unfurls into a gleeful grin. I also love that you save music, by using music. No way these creepy eyeball blobs will kill music when I can sing such happy tunes!!!
     *sharc: Everyone should play //Otocky// at least once, but with advance warning that the later levels become a finger-crushing nightmare of perfect execution requirements.     *sharc: Everyone should play //Otocky// at least once, but with advance warning that the later levels become a finger-crushing nightmare of perfect execution requirements.
 +    *Wall of Beef: Very charming visuals and music integration. Sort of a [[genre:​cute_em_ups|cute-em-up]] with stages that loop until you collect enough music notes. ​
   ***//Over Horizon//**   ***//Over Horizon//**
     *Kitten ClanClan: Somewhat obscure space shooter that shouldn'​t be. Although Wikipedia states otherwise, I believe it was only released in Europe and Japan, making it hard to find. Visual and sound design are both stellar, and the game features an interesting mechanic allowing the player shoot both in front of and behind them.      *Kitten ClanClan: Somewhat obscure space shooter that shouldn'​t be. Although Wikipedia states otherwise, I believe it was only released in Europe and Japan, making it hard to find. Visual and sound design are both stellar, and the game features an interesting mechanic allowing the player shoot both in front of and behind them. 
-    *sharc: ​ Was indeed released only in Japan and, for who knows what reason, Germany. One impressive setpiece after another that the game runs like a champ, with an impressively detailed editing mode that allows you to change the placement of your options and fiddle with various weapon parameters. Music is amazing; just let that title screen loop. Hell yeah.+    *sharc: ​ Was indeed released only in Japan and, for who knows what reason, Germany. One impressive setpiece after another that the game runs like a champ, with an impressively detailed editing mode that allows you to change the placement of your options and fiddle with various weapon parameters. Music is amazing; just let that [[pattern:​title_screen|title screen]] loop. Hell yeah.
     *dessgeega: a hori shooter where you can shoot either forward or back depending on which button you press a la //​[[game:​sidearms]]//;​ pressing both lets you reposition your options (their positions are editable!). but where the game shines is in its level design. somewhat like //​[[game:​garius_series|gradius]]//,​ the stages are themed: there'​s a "plant stage",​ a "mech stage",​ an "ice stage"​. but there are all sorts of clever things like switches in the mech stage that you shoot to open gates for yourself and close gates on enemies that are chasing you, and giant ice blocks in the ice stage that are pushed by your bullets and bounce off one another. the bosses are suitably huge and the sprites are neat and cute.      *dessgeega: a hori shooter where you can shoot either forward or back depending on which button you press a la //​[[game:​sidearms]]//;​ pressing both lets you reposition your options (their positions are editable!). but where the game shines is in its level design. somewhat like //​[[game:​garius_series|gradius]]//,​ the stages are themed: there'​s a "plant stage",​ a "mech stage",​ an "ice stage"​. but there are all sorts of clever things like switches in the mech stage that you shoot to open gates for yourself and close gates on enemies that are chasing you, and giant ice blocks in the ice stage that are pushed by your bullets and bounce off one another. the bosses are suitably huge and the sprites are neat and cute. 
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   ***//Super Mario Bros. 3//** (also on: SNES, Wii VC; remade for GBA)   ***//Super Mario Bros. 3//** (also on: SNES, Wii VC; remade for GBA)
-    *Kitten ClanClan: Obviously one of the most aesthetically and aurally impressive games on the NES, it's also one of the best designed platformers available on the console. If you've somehow neglected to play it, the praise surrounding it is very largely grounded in reality --- it's worth playing for any platforming enthusiast. ​+    *Kitten ClanClan: Obviously one of the most aesthetically and aurally impressive games on the NES, it's also one of the best designed platformers available on the console. If you've somehow neglected to play it, the praise surrounding it is very largely grounded in reality --- it's worth playing for any platforming enthusiast
 +    *Max Cola: I think SMB3 is incredible. I love the fact that the levels are sometimes only about a minute in length. And that every single one of them has a different challenge or idea behind them.
   ***//Sweet Home//** - [[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=30816|forum thread]]   ***//Sweet Home//** - [[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=30816|forum thread]]
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   ***//​Talespin//​**   ***//​Talespin//​**
-    *stotelheim:​ A Capcom shmup where the B button makes the game scroll backwards. There'​s a shop inbetween levels, and there are hidden bonus levels where you fly some kind of boomerang/​skateboard thing. The bosses are very Capcom-with-a-Disney-licence. It's pretty good!+    *stotelheim:​ A [[company:Capcom]] shmup where the B button makes the game scroll backwards. There'​s a shop inbetween levels, and there are hidden bonus levels where you fly some kind of boomerang/​skateboard thing. The bosses are very Capcom-with-[[theme:​licensed_games|a-Disney-licence]]. It's pretty good!
   ***//Tecmo Super Bowl//**   ***//Tecmo Super Bowl//**
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   ***//Urusei Yatsura: Lum no Wedding Bell//**   ***//Urusei Yatsura: Lum no Wedding Bell//**
-    * ManekiNeko: A licensed adaptation of [[company:​Jaleco]]'​s //​[[game:​Momoko 120%]]//. In it, you're a baby who must survive childhood by scaling a series of burning buildings. After escaping each towering inferno, you grow a little bit, advancing from day care to grade school to high school. Eventually, you grow to adulthood and get a chance to marry [[character:​Ataru]],​ the horny, luckless bastard from [[people:​Rumiko Takahashi]]'​s popular animated series. ​+    * ManekiNeko: A [[theme:​licensed_games|licensed adaptation]] of [[company:​Jaleco]]'​s //​[[game:​Momoko 120%]]//. In it, you're a baby who must survive childhood by scaling a series of burning buildings. After escaping each towering inferno, you grow a little bit, advancing from day care to grade school to high school. Eventually, you grow to adulthood and get a chance to marry [[character:​Ataru]],​ the horny, luckless bastard from [[people:​Rumiko Takahashi]]'​s popular animated series. ​
   ***//Vice: Project Doom//**   ***//Vice: Project Doom//**
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   ***//Zen: Intergalactic Ninja//**   ***//Zen: Intergalactic Ninja//**
     *RT-55J: The play control does feel a tad clunky/​weird,​ but it just requires a certain degree of finesse. It all feels very satisfying once mastered.     *RT-55J: The play control does feel a tad clunky/​weird,​ but it just requires a certain degree of finesse. It all feels very satisfying once mastered.
-    *starblood: Chalk [it] up as another enviro mania licensed crap. Also out the rare few NES [[company:​Konami]] games that sucks. I mean really, you're the first guy I've seen praise it. It looks and sounds neat but I hate the level design.+    *starblood: Chalk [it] up as another enviro mania [[theme:​licensed_games|licensed crap]]. Also out the rare few NES [[company:​Konami]] games that sucks. I mean really, you're the first guy I've seen praise it. It looks and sounds neat but I hate the level design.
 =====See Also===== =====See Also=====
 +  *[[https://​selectbutton.net/​t/​nes-worth-rom-ing/​2473/​|NES- worth Rom-ing]] - August 2016 forum recommendations.
   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=32398|NES/​Famicom Obscura Thread 2011]] - April 2011 forum recommendations.   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=32398|NES/​Famicom Obscura Thread 2011]] - April 2011 forum recommendations.
   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=21090|Revisiting the NES]] - May 2009 Forum recommendations.   *[[http://​forums.selectbutton.net/​viewtopic.php?​t=21090|Revisiting the NES]] - May 2009 Forum recommendations.
 sb/recommended/nes.1400676992.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/08 09:58 (external edit)
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