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sb:recommended:dreamcast [2012/09/03 18:12]
sb:recommended:dreamcast [2021/04/24 18:17] (current)
alfred added sakura taisen
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   ***//​Dynamite Cop//**   ***//​Dynamite Cop//**
     * Sniper Honeyviper: This is probably what [[company:​Capcom]] imagined [[genre:​belt_scroll|belt scroll beatemups]] would be like in 10 years when they made //​[[game:​Final Fight]]//. The variety of weapons available is ridiculous, ranging from umbrellas to giant tunas to nuclear missiles. It's silly and over-the-top to an unprecedented level, with the only real flaw being that it's over too soon. Includes Sega's 1980 "​classic"​ //​[[game:​Tranquilizer Gun]]//.     * Sniper Honeyviper: This is probably what [[company:​Capcom]] imagined [[genre:​belt_scroll|belt scroll beatemups]] would be like in 10 years when they made //​[[game:​Final Fight]]//. The variety of weapons available is ridiculous, ranging from umbrellas to giant tunas to nuclear missiles. It's silly and over-the-top to an unprecedented level, with the only real flaw being that it's over too soon. Includes Sega's 1980 "​classic"​ //​[[game:​Tranquilizer Gun]]//.
 +  ***//Fast Striker//**
 +    * Rudie: NG Dev's minimalist vertical shooter. ​ I played a burned copy and it immediately convinced me NGDev needed all my money.
   ***//​Ferrari F355 Challenge//​**   ***//​Ferrari F355 Challenge//​**
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     * Rudie: If you can get the [[hardware:​dc#​light_guns|lightguns]] to go along with it, a great time.     * Rudie: If you can get the [[hardware:​dc#​light_guns|lightguns]] to go along with it, a great time.
-  ***//​Ikaruga (JP)//** (also on: Gamecube, XBLA)+  ***//[[game:Ikaruga]] (JP)//** (also on: Gamecube, Windows, XBLA)
     * Sniper Honeyviper: Amazingly, not rendered obsolete by later ports. The GC version has the story text removed, and the XBLA port fucks up enemy placement.     * Sniper Honeyviper: Amazingly, not rendered obsolete by later ports. The GC version has the story text removed, and the XBLA port fucks up enemy placement.
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     * firenze: Squad based strategy puzzles (each team member has different skills), the ability to do shit like steal paintings from art museums, stealth elements, an nice chapter based design... It's fucking brilliant. Like a squad based James Bond/Lupin III game. It has a pleasant and sterile Japanese look, interesting techno soundtrack. It's slow paced and methodical, but the game could only work as well as it does with that pacing. It feels like a Taito game (it's not). Maybe some sort of 3D strategy version of //Elevator Action Returns//. It feels like something that would be right at home on DS today.     * firenze: Squad based strategy puzzles (each team member has different skills), the ability to do shit like steal paintings from art museums, stealth elements, an nice chapter based design... It's fucking brilliant. Like a squad based James Bond/Lupin III game. It has a pleasant and sterile Japanese look, interesting techno soundtrack. It's slow paced and methodical, but the game could only work as well as it does with that pacing. It feels like a Taito game (it's not). Maybe some sort of 3D strategy version of //Elevator Action Returns//. It feels like something that would be right at home on DS today.
-  ***//Jet Grind Radio / Jet Set Radio//**+  ***//[[game:​jet_set_radio_series#​jet_set_radio|Jet Grind Radio / Jet Set Radio]]//**
     * Rudie: It's got style! ​ It's got '​tude! ​ It's got flavor! ​ It's got really clunky controls.     * Rudie: It's got style! ​ It's got '​tude! ​ It's got flavor! ​ It's got really clunky controls.
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     * Sniper Honeyviper: Probably the inspiration for Zeno Clash. Run and jump around antiseptic corridors and crate mazes in first-person,​ slashing at grunts with a living sword. Based on a manga by Q Hayashida. Would have benefited from dual-analog,​ but stands as something more unique without it. Kind of suffers for not having a quick-turn button to keep up with the frantic pace of battle, though. Your sword will possess many different people over the course of the game, whose verb sets can vary rather dramatically. Fans of SMT will be interested to know that Kazuma Kaneko did character designs, and the graphics are very much a prototype for //​Nocturne//'​s style.     * Sniper Honeyviper: Probably the inspiration for Zeno Clash. Run and jump around antiseptic corridors and crate mazes in first-person,​ slashing at grunts with a living sword. Based on a manga by Q Hayashida. Would have benefited from dual-analog,​ but stands as something more unique without it. Kind of suffers for not having a quick-turn button to keep up with the frantic pace of battle, though. Your sword will possess many different people over the course of the game, whose verb sets can vary rather dramatically. Fans of SMT will be interested to know that Kazuma Kaneko did character designs, and the graphics are very much a prototype for //​Nocturne//'​s style.
-  ***//Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting//​** (also on: Arcade)+  ***//Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting//​** (also on: Arcade(CPS-2)
 +    * Sniper Honeyviper: What //​[[game:​Gigawing]]//​ should have been. 
 +    * ben: Collectibles are something that I can usually take or leave in shooters, but I think they work incredibly well in Mars Matrix, to the extent that I sometimes find myself trying to extend my combo to the detriment of survival. Repelling bullets also feels hella nice, and there'​s a really great rhythm to dodging/​repelling/​collecting.
   ***//Power Stone//** (also on: Arcade; PSP)   ***//Power Stone//** (also on: Arcade; PSP)
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     * Rudie: A platformer with such perfect gorgeous flow to it.  I've always looked at Pyschonauts and kept thinking Rayman 2 did everything that game did better. ​ As opposed to just about every other 3d Platformer this one is linear and made up of stages. ​ Make sure to get the Dreamcast or N64 version (the dreamcast has some mini-games anyone could care less about), they murdered the playstation 2 version by rearranging the levels and the level layouts. ​ A nice charming game.     * Rudie: A platformer with such perfect gorgeous flow to it.  I've always looked at Pyschonauts and kept thinking Rayman 2 did everything that game did better. ​ As opposed to just about every other 3d Platformer this one is linear and made up of stages. ​ Make sure to get the Dreamcast or N64 version (the dreamcast has some mini-games anyone could care less about), they murdered the playstation 2 version by rearranging the levels and the level layouts. ​ A nice charming game.
     * Sniper Honeyviper: Jesus Christ, the final boss of this game is impossible. After nearly 10 years, I still can't survive long enough to beat him. That aside, this is a well-paced Mario 64-alike with tasty physics, beautiful graphics, and minimal collectathon bullshit. I can't go without mentioning the surreal, melancholic atmosphere, either, which is quite atypical for a kid-oriented 3D platformer.     * Sniper Honeyviper: Jesus Christ, the final boss of this game is impossible. After nearly 10 years, I still can't survive long enough to beat him. That aside, this is a well-paced Mario 64-alike with tasty physics, beautiful graphics, and minimal collectathon bullshit. I can't go without mentioning the surreal, melancholic atmosphere, either, which is quite atypical for a kid-oriented 3D platformer.
 +  ***//Sakura Taisen (series)//​**
 +    * alfred: You can transfer your save across all 4 Dreamcast entries.
   ***//Samba De Amigo//**   ***//Samba De Amigo//**
     * Rudie: The best rhythm game before rhythm games were cool.     * Rudie: The best rhythm game before rhythm games were cool.
 +  ***//​Seaman//​**
 +    * Ni Go Zero Ichi: Descriptions don't really do this "​game"​ justice. Everyone deserves to simply observe its inscrutable existence.
   ***//​Shenmue//​**   ***//​Shenmue//​**
-    * Rudie: ​ Still one of my favorite games! ​ Walk around a perfect recreation of suburban Japan, Ask stupid stupid questions related to the plot, drink a soda, play //​[[game:​Space Harrier]]//,​ and fight //​[[game:​virtua_fighter_series|Virtua Fighter]]// style battles.+    * Rudie: ​ Still one of my favorite games! ​ Walk around a perfect recreation of suburban Japan, Ask stupid stupid questions related to the plot, drink a soda, play //[[game:space_harrier_series#​Space Harrier]]//,​ and fight //​[[game:​virtua_fighter_series|Virtua Fighter]]// style battles
 +    * Rudie (2020): ​ Hi the future. ​ Shenmue is a complete masterpiece about an arrogant jerk 18 year old who can't get over their self.  It took forever for me to get over myself and see that.
   ***//​Shenmue 2 (PAL)//** (also on: XBox)   ***//​Shenmue 2 (PAL)//** (also on: XBox)
     * Rudie: ​ The Xbox version has voice acting so bad I turned it off within minutes. ​ The European Dreamcast version however is subbed. ​ The subplot from the first game about Chinese is dropped, or everyone in Hong Kong can speak Japanese. ​ It's a bigger badder world, with a frankly terrifying amount of things to see and do.  The last hour of the game firmly defines what //Shenmue// was all about, then leaves us with a cliffhanger that will never be resolved.     * Rudie: ​ The Xbox version has voice acting so bad I turned it off within minutes. ​ The European Dreamcast version however is subbed. ​ The subplot from the first game about Chinese is dropped, or everyone in Hong Kong can speak Japanese. ​ It's a bigger badder world, with a frankly terrifying amount of things to see and do.  The last hour of the game firmly defines what //Shenmue// was all about, then leaves us with a cliffhanger that will never be resolved.
 +    * Rudie (2020): it's actually 3 games. ​ A response to Shenmue 1 and criticism (Aberdeen), a horrid slog (Kowloon), and an incredible denouement of Shenmue and Ryo Hazuki (Bailu).  ​
   ***//Skies of Arcadia//** (also on: Gamecube)   ***//Skies of Arcadia//** (also on: Gamecube)
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     *Sniper Honeyviper: Like Garou, there'​s some major input lag going on here. Play any other version instead.     *Sniper Honeyviper: Like Garou, there'​s some major input lag going on here. Play any other version instead.
     * Rudie: Again, normal person and never an issue.     * Rudie: Again, normal person and never an issue.
 +  ***//​Sturmwind//​**
 +    * Rudie: The best Dreamcast game of 2013.  For being a Euro-STG it is way better than it should be.  Not something you'll play a lot of,but a beautiful journey.
   ***//Tech Romancer / Kikaioh (JP)//**   ***//Tech Romancer / Kikaioh (JP)//**
 sb/recommended/dreamcast.1346710375.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/08 09:58 (external edit)
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