Bionic Commando

Bionic Commando—the 2009 version by Grin—has a really fun multiplayer mode which, with the help of Hamachi, is still able to be played even though the official servers are no longer running. Here is a list of SB's finest, who non-coincidentally, enjoy or would like to enjoy this fine game.

Forum Name Steam Name Hamachi Name Comments
cassievania pizza princess cassievania! - - - -
composerzane composerzane - - - -
Felix axfelix - - - -
internisus internisus - - - -
Ketamine Kazoo Werner the Herzog - - - -
Laurel Soup Nocebo - - - -
OffalAl offal - - - -
Schwere Viper Heavy Viper - - - -
sponkmonkey Sponkmonkey - - - -
stotelheim stotelcrime - - - -
Swimmy Swimmy - - - -
The Blueberry Hill The Blueberry Hill - - - -

See Also