======SB Recommends SG-1000, SG-1000 II, & SC-3000 Games====== ***//Gulkave//** * field balm: This is an awesome early [[company:Compile]] title for the SG-1000. Unlike Compile’s usual fare, it’s a Hori scroller. ***//Ninja Princess / Sega Ninja//** * field balm: These games are basically Master System and SG-1000 versions of the same game, but look completely different. I kind of prefer the SG-1000 version as it has smaller/better looking sprites and less flicker. Vertical scrolling shmup where you play a ninja on foot, allowing you to scroll the screen at your leisure. One button shoots in the direction you’re moving, the other one always shoots straight forwards --- hitting both together makes you do the classic ninja dash, becoming invisible and invincible for a second. I keep coming back to this game again and again. =====See Also===== * [[http://forums.selectbutton.net/viewtopic.php?t=32730|Blue Dawn - 8 Bit Sega Megathread]] - 8-bit Sega forum thread.