====== selectbutton podcast ====== The **selectbutton.net podcast**, conducted by members of the selectbutton forums, is based around the discussion of a weekly theme, though tangents are often audible. Each episode is expertly mastered by forum member 'B coma', or 'Deets'. And the games mentioned in each episode are indexed by forum members 'Gorblax', and 'The Blueberry Hill', [[index|here]]. Dates are formatted daft USA-style. ===== List of Episodes ===== [[2009|2009 (1–7)]] | [[2010|2010 (8–29)]] | [[2011|2011 (30–43)]] | [[2012|2012 (44–57)]] | [[2013|2013 (58–65)]] | [[2014|2014 (66–69)]] | [[2015|2015 (70)]] | [[2016|2016 (71–77)]] | [[2017|2017 (78–83)]] ====2018==== ^ # ^ Title / Theme ^ | **84** |**[[https://selectbutton.net/t/podcast-episode-84-holiday-deathcast-vi-burn-the-negatives/6092|Holiday Deathcast V: A Very Nuclear Winter]]** (1/3/2018)\\ Join us for our sixth Holiday Deathcast, where we endeavor to learn the true meaning of Deathcast.\\ Thanks for joining us on the F2P Mobile Game Report! | |**Panel:** B_coma, CourierRice, Dakota, Father.Torque, Godamn_Milkman, GRIMglamfire, HOBO, notbov, Rudie, shrug, Tulpa, and a very special guest appearance from Uncle Felix. || ^ ^^ | **85/6** |**[[https://selectbutton.net/t/podcast-episode-85-86-chefs-special-platter/6465|Podcast Episodes #85 + #86: Chef’s Special Platter]]** (4/1/2018)\\ select button dot net is proud to present a two-part //[[game:monster_hunter_series|Monster Hunter]]// extravaganza.\\ In the **Low Rank episode**, our panel rambles on about a variety of topics such as: mountain bosses, gripes about //[[game:monster_hunter_series#Monster Hunter Frontier|Frontier]]//, whether it is acceptable to be anime or not, content reuse throughout the series, and world building. (Don’t fret, we didn’t restrict our discussion to Low Rank content.)\\ In the **High Rank episode**, we stay focused a bit more and cover the larger omissions from the earlier episode: monsters at large, hunt dynamics, the grind loop, locales, and more… (Use a fancy-pants podcast app, and you’ll get to enjoy chapter navigation and an array of relevant screenshots throughout this episode.) | |**Panel:** Sakurina, CourierRice, index-j, gary (ep. 85 only) || ^ ^^ ===== See also ===== *[[index|Podcast Index]] - list of games mentioned in the podcast *[[https://selectbutton.net/c/output/podcast-bonus-round|Podcast Bonus Round]] - official selectbutton v2 subforum *[[http://forums.selectbutton.net/viewforum.php?f=9|Pod Cast Bonus Round]] - official selectbutton v1 subforum *[[http://selectbutton.libsyn.com/|selectbutton.net podcast]] - liberated syndication feed