====== Metroidvania ====== //also known as (for better, or worse): FIXME Castleroid, Metrovania// The name '**Metroidvania**' originates from the beginning of the [[game:castlevania_series#Igavania]] era of the [[game:castlevania_series|Castlevania series]], when the games seemingly took inspiration from the [[game:metroid_series|Metroid series]], and became more exploration-based. The term has since become a (misappropriated, and ugly) common descriptor of any game in that style: a 2-D platform game with adventure game elements (a genre well established by many games preceding //[[game:castlevania_symphony_of_the_night|Symphony of the Night]]//). ===== Examples ===== ===== See Also ===== * [[http://gaming.wikia.com/wiki/Metroidvania|Metroidvania]] on Encylopedia Gamia. * [[http://forums.selectbutton.net/viewtopic.php?t=31817|bastard metrovaniae]] - GO forum thread. * [[http://forums.selectbutton.net/viewtopic.php?t=31374|Freeform metrovanias]] - GO forum thread. * [[http://forums.selectbutton.net/viewtopic.php?t=16002|Fuck Metroldvanias.]] - KOP forum thread.