====== Dungeon Jumper ====== Child of the [[Platformer]] and the [[Dungeon Crawler]]. It ran away from home at an early age, maybe because it never got anywhere near as much attention as its sibling, the [[Metroidvania]]. Every so often it shows up at the house, maybe a little bit drunk, with some random game developer (almost never the same one twice). It might cause a bit of a scene before it leaves again, but never so much that it won't be forgotten before the next time. In spite of its issues, it's usually a pretty cool genre; just don't ask it about its family. ===== Examples ===== * //Chester Field: Ankoku Shin e no Chousen// * //Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious// * //Majou Densetsu II: Daimashikyou Galious// * //The Wing of Madoola// * //Zelda II: The Adventure of Link//