====== The Legend of Zelda ===== ===== Identifying Elements ===== **//The Legend of Zelda//** series could better be described as //The Legend of Zelda// formula, these days; so there are a lot of recurring elements. ==== Themes ==== ==== Characters ==== * [[character:Bombchu Girl]] * [[character:Ganon]] * [[character:Grog]] * [[character:Link]] * [[character:Moblins]] * [[character:Stalfos]] * [[character:Tingle]] * [[character:Pols Voice]] * [[character:Zelda]] ==== Mechanics ==== ===Heart Pieces=== * [[strategy:heart_pieces]] ===Item Rental=== Featured in both the 3rd [[snes#Satellaview]] game, and the 3DS one. ===Z Targeting=== * [[pattern:Z Targeting]] ==== Key Staff ==== ***[[people:Shigeru Miyamoto]]** ***[[people:Takashi Tezuka]]** ***[[people:Koji Kondo]]** ***[[people:Katsuya Terada]]** ***[[people:Eiji Aonuma]]** ===== Games ===== -**//[[The Legend of Zelda]]//** -**//[[zelda_ii_the_adventure_of_link|Zelda II: The Adventure of Link]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_a_link_to_the_past|The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_links_awakening|The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_links_awakening#dx|DX]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_ocarina_of_time|The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_ocarina_of_time#master_quest|Master Quest]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_majoras_mask|The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_oracle_of_seasons|The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons]]//** | **//[[the_legend_of_zelda_oracle_of_ages|The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_the_wind_waker|The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_the_minish_cap|The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_twilight_princess|The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_phantom_hourglass|The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass]]//** -**//[[the_legend_of_zelda_spirit_tracks|The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks]]//** ==== Compilations ==== ***//[[The Legend of Zelda collectors edition|The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition]]//** ==== Offshoots ==== ***//[[The Legend of Zelda Four Swords adventures|The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures]]//** ***//[[Freshly-Picked Tingles Rosy Rupeeland|Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland]]//** =====Legacy===== Something about Z-targeting, and using a letterbox effect to signify non-gameplay sections (OOT invented that, no?). Also the popularization of the context-sensitive action button, as seen in //OoT// and further enhanced in //Resident Evil 4//. =====Related Games / Series===== ***//[[Golden Axe Warrior]]//** ***//[[Dolor]]//** ***//[[lenas_inception|Lena's Inception]]//** ***//[[Nazo no Murasamejou]]//** ***//[[Neutopia]]//** ***//[[Okami]]//** ***//[[robomaze_series#Robomaze III: The dome]]//** ***//[[game:Shadow of the Colossus]]//** ***//[[software:Zelda Classic]]//** =====Related Media===== *cartoon series blahblah =====See Also===== *[[http://gallery.zeldalegends.net/index.php?cat=80|Image Gallery]] *[[http://forums.selectbutton.net/viewtopic.php?t=33299|In which the Zelda series is discussed in further detail]] - SB forum thread. *[[http://www.jaytheham.com/zcw/index.php5?title=Main_Page|Zelda Chaos]] - Wiki recording glitches and exploits in the //Zelda// series. *[[http://ellaguro.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/evil-was-born.html|Evil Was Born]] - by [[people:Liz Ryerson]]. *[[http://tevisthompson.com/saving-zelda/|Saving Zelda]] - by Tevis Thompson.